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crossing boundaries

violetforest's picture

Every year I have to go though my bio kids getting upset because their biofather's widow and parents put 2 seperate pictures of the kids Dad in the local paper listing their names the week he died. The kids get very upset about this, 2 of the kids had restricted visits with their father because of things that he admitted to doing to them (getting too physical) and the other 2 children were so young they really do not remember him.

I have requested that their grandparents do not do this. I have written a letter to the widow, she has NOTHING to do with the kids! As soon as he passed away she dropped off the face of the earth for almost 2 years and then contacted my 2nd oldest by email attempting to get her to run away from home. Thank goodness my daughter showed me the emails, exsm made promises that my daughter could live with her and telling her that all the "stories" that I had told during the divorce about the "domestic abuse" that I had gone through during the divorce was untrue. I had not even told the kids about the incidents. (hospital pics and police reports do not lie) I even had to get an attorney involved to get the kids band instruments back from her when BF passed away - they were school property!!!

20 year old called while I was typing this and she is pissed off, she just saw the paper.