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New …..Hurt and Confused man's opinion please

Vanessa68's picture

Hello Everyone..

I must say that I am surprised how many blogs/chat and websites there are for this lifestyle.

I am 46 yr old woman… with a 28 yr son married and grandson, a 20 yr old son in college. I am a nurse and work often.
I have been single approx. 3 years before dating this man.
When we met I was aware he had children 10 yr old daughter and 13 yr old son. He didn't want any one to met the kids until 6 months, fine with me I am in no hurry. He tried to get me to met them sooner and I polietly declined. I met them over Thanksgiving, the whole family it was overwhelming but ok.

His ex just remarried, divorced for 5 years.

Up to date… I have met and spent time with him and the kids 3 times. Each I felt like a total moron. They crawl all over him, fight to sit on his lap and hold his hand. I sit on the other sofa and feel like I am in the twilight zone…
Each time I stay he makes me sleep in the bedroom by myself. says the kids are not used to that, only married people sleep together. seriously?? ok…
Then the panic attacks start, I mean full blown wake you in the night, I have to get the hell out of here… lol

The last visit was the worst, we went to the mall and I walked along side them like a stranger, they fought over his hand, jumped around I was humiliated. My boyfriend barely acknowledged me. The last stop was a arcade, I said I had to go to the bathroom, and cried. I felt so terrible..
He was waiting when i got out asked me if i was overwhelmed, yes just a bit. I said i want to go home.

We get back to his place, he tucks each of them in bed, comes and cuddles with me for awhile, I tell him I am leaving I can't stay, this empty feeling I have is terrible. and then of course he makes me sleep alone.

I leave at 6 am… we talk later in the day he says everything is ok, we will work it out
Next day i text him twice, no response…
We dated for 8 months, talked every night, saw each other regularly…and POOF...

Any advice from the men would be greatly appreciated.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

RUN while you can. You are FOURTH in this man's life. His children come before you. You say you feel like an outsider. Don't expect it to improve.

EvilAngel's picture

I am glad they posted before me because I was going to say HOORAY for you. I know that's harsh but it comes from a good place...

ally-bamagrl's picture

Sounds like kids that are dealing with attachment issues. You may have dodged a bullet... Those are the hardest relationships to be in IMHO. You will always take a back seat to the kids and that will be hard on you.

Vanessa68's picture

Thank You all, you put a smile on my face. It goes in waves, I am relieved one moment and then the heartache…:(

You are right I was FOURTH, didn't even see that…

I asked him, if the kids could not crawl all over him while I was there…save to for their time alone, I drive out there to visit him and the kids, I asked him to respect me, include me, do something different….

I find it shocking he just disappeared….:}

Vanessa68's picture

OMG…. thank you for saying that..

I thought I was being a selfish B****…..

That was how I saw the situation as well…it was amazing how different he looked to me just in those few short visits…


constantly_irritated's picture

Not selfish, smart and insightful! At least it was only 8 months! Next time a guy has kids maybe you could meet them in three months so you don't have to waste any precious moments of your wonderful life.

ChiefGrownup's picture

10 and 13 climbing all over him and fighting for his hand. That tells you all you need to know right there. Kids are stunted and dad will defend their right to stay stunted ad infinitum. Everything else just piles on how terrible a marriage to him would be.

BTW I can tell you right now why he poofed. One or both kids gave him puppy dog eyes about how they didn't like you, you made them "uncomfortable," or they weren't "ready." Dad's chest puffed out of his shirt and he declared he would protect them from evil Vanessa from that moment forward.

Ask us, we're all evil, you too even though you only barely met them.

I know you miss him and are in shock and it all hurts. But I agree with everyone else: you dodged a bullet.

SugarSpice's picture

divorced men with children are guided by the powerful feeling of guilt. that is why they do what they do, including ignoring their second wives or girlfriends.

it does not get better. after 20 years i have learned to have my own life while dh goes gaga over his skid.

yes, you dodged a bullet. i have been to that movie of having the skids crawl all over him while i walked behind like a stranger. you have seen clearly what like would be like if you married this man.

Vanessa68's picture

I have to tell you all, the last thing I expected today was amazing support.

I thought I was going to come across every website in existence telling me how selfish I was, and what a hero he was, that I was going to have to throw myself into intense therapy for everything short of a lobotomy…

My first relationship with a man with children. He was sweet as sugar, I would have married him.

I am walking with my head high at this moment, not behind anyone..!!!!

Thank You

Vanessa68's picture


this is mind boggling….I can honestly say i am glad I can research the daylights out of what bothers me.

Thank you for all your comments

oneoffour's picture

Actually he is a weak man. If he wants a booty call without strings he should be honest about it and use the time when his kids are with their mother getting all he can get. Preferably paying for it to be completely honest and business-like.

Instead he thinks he can be FOTY (Father Of The Year) AND be a boyfriend. Well he should stick to his kids and being a father because he cannot find a way to mix both parts of himself. He cannot raise his kids to be mindful of good behaviour and what is and isn't acceptable in public so he certainly would not be open to helpful advice from a woman who has already raised her children.

The man you loved was not authentic. He was artificial. Spend time away from him and his children. If he contacts you tell him he has his hands full raising his children and doesn't have time for anything else.

And next time maybe find a man who doesn't have young children and has kids who are well adjusted and can behave themselves and are selfless and only want their Dad to be happy. I know men like that are out there.

Vanessa68's picture

That was the last conversation we had… I made some suggestions, told him my feeling and had a compromise, his answer "they are just kids"
I was speechless, you know when you open your mouth to say something, and realize you got nothing. It was/is a losing battle.

He was a good man until I met his kids, the man I loved gone, and physically vanished as well...

Maxwell09's picture

He will probably get back to you when he realizes he was lucky you even gave him the time of day...IGNORE. You deserve to be someone's number one. You already did the Mom thing, don't date anyone with kids under 21 or living with him!

Strengthh's picture

No advice, but I saw a similar situation in a check out line at the mall. These were all strangers to me. Man and his two preteen kids, looked about a boy of ten and a girl of 12. And what I guess is probably SM.

They were a little ways ahead of me, and it was a long slow line. What caught my attention, is they were literally acting like poorly behaved preschoolers. My son is 3 and he was better behaved and less clingy in the checkout line.

They were bouncing all around, running a little, very hyper. Very loud. Clinging all over daddy. Literally like toddlers. The SM was standing about 2 feet away from them, alone and in her own world. At first I wondered if they were separate, but she was holding the purchases, the dad and kids holding nothing. Then after maybe 3 minutes dad and kids inch farther and farther away as kids gradually pull dad a little farther from the line. So they can have more room to be hyper and loud. Then I'm again wondering maybe they aren't together? But when she finally paid they all walked out as a group.

I can imagine. It is humiliating and isolating. My kids are 11, same age about as those kids. I cannot cannot imagine how humiliated I would be if they acted like that. Well I can, cause my SD was always like that.

luchay's picture

Hello, welcome, and trust me when I say I know how you are feeling.

Only I wasted 4 years with my own bastard.

If I had seen all the signs you have and had the chance to run before things got serious I would have, you have seriously escaped from at the very least an emotionally soul destroying relationship, at worst the hell I went through.

Please listen to us, I know how hurt and confused you are - I really do. I am STILL hurt and confused and my relationship with the love of my life ended last November (he swore I was the only woman he had ever loved, we were going to be together forever, I was the only one he wanted, blah blah blah)

He just could not parent his kid, they sound very much like yours. Only I didn't get to see it until it was too late and we had moved in together. Then all the shit started - kids all over him like a rash - even IN our bed with him. SD then 12 told me once "I love it when you go out early on Saturdays because I get into bed with MY daddy and take YOUR place snuggling with him!" (HE would be naked when I left the bed..... boggles the mind) That was just the beginning. When we bought a house together SD really ramped it up. I went through hell because of that girl and his inability to be a real father. He allowed so much - I was called whore, bitch, cheap and nasty.... she stole from my dd's and I, she went through our stuff all the time, she was rude and manipulative. So many things. And he never ONCE did anything to fix it, to stop her, to support me. Things ended last year when she ran crying to daddy pretending I had done something to her (all I did was tell her to not ever touch my or dd's stuff ever again) and he ATTACKED ME - TRIED TO THROW ME DOWN THE STAIRS.

I now have an intervention order, he has been to court numerous times, and I am still wondering what the hell happened to the man I loved who supposedly loved me. It still hurts and I am still getting over what I went through with them. I still miss him.

So please, when he tries to come crawling back - say no. Understand that the hurt you are feeling right now is nothing compared to the pain you will feel after a few years of dealing with this.

You have had a lucky escape, he has shown you who he is and he sees nothing wrong with it, with his parenting, with his kids, and with how they ALL treat you.

Find someone who can love you the way you deserve to be loved, you are WORTH that.

hereiam's picture

It hurts now but trust that this is best. His actions when his kids around make it clear that he is not ready to balance a relationship with fatherhood. You would always be an afterthought.

I could not date a man with young kids at this point in my life.