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SD Turns 20

thinkthrice's picture

And what is she doing with her life you ask? Absolutely nothing.  Other than making those instagram animal morph photos, posing seductively with her other loser friends, making duck faces and licking each other, posing while driving around with said friend and stb 16 YSS in the back seat, laughing on their way to the mall.  Not in school and working a few hours a week at a local pizza joint.

Meanwhile Chef is still shelling out 800 smackers a month for these two blights on society.  Girhippo has a new hair style, though. 

Gotta love NYS.  This BS goes on for another year for her and then of course you have to go to COURT to shut it off it you still are paying on a younger one (YSS).  At which point SD will *suddenly* gain an interest in going back to college until she's 24.



tog redux's picture

Why doesn't Chef go Pro Se and try to stop the support because of the lack of relationship? It's much easier to do in support cases than in custody cases.  He just has to file a handwritten form and show up for court.  It can't hurt.

and in less it's in their divorce agreement, he doesn't have to pay for college until age 24.

thinkthrice's picture

earlier this year with an attorney.  Even the attorney said you can't just prove lack of relationship (at least here in Upstate) you have to also prove that the skid is self-supporting.    The Gir didn't even  bother to show up in court; just slipped a note the Friday before at the last minute saying she would not attend the hearing, that it was "too stressful" and that she "didn't want any more CS" read: she didn't want any CS if CHEF is involved in skids' lives.  The new magistrate just wanted to know how much Chef made and instead of gettting a warrant out for the Gir and force her to show up, They kept badgering Chef for his income figures which they had right before them on the paperwork.  We basically surrendered and the Gir gets her PASed out reverse ransom money.  Chef's attorney wanted MY income on the CS calcs too and we are not married.  That was the deal breaker and that attorney was subsequently fired.


I'm hoping to go back after he does his taxes (his one day a week job for the CS and 1099 for the rest)  pro se; waving the CO where it says that skid has to be making some progress toward self sufficiency or in college full time.  Basically if not in college (and she's not--she dropped out after 3 months of remedial high school community college) then he can go back and consider how much SD COULD be making and how many hours she COULD be working, revising the CS thusly.   Now if you'll remember, the Girhippo got both SD and YSS labeled "learning disabled--other"  Translation:  The Gir will say that SD NEEDS CS until 24 just on that basis alone.

I did spell this thing out in an inpromptu session with a hotshot father's rights attorney from the largest city close to us.  Her advise was just go back to court when the SD turns 21 to get her portion stopped.  Chef's income is significantly less than what it has been figured on over the last 3 years.

P.S. Chef does NOT present well in court.  He looks like a big burly blue collar worker and no command of the English language outside of inserting $100 worth of cuss words into a 2 bit sentence.

tog redux's picture

I did a lot of research and CS is a hard stop in NY at 21, period, unless it says anything else in the CO. College costs may be a different matter.

thinkthrice's picture

I can see her coming up with the "disabled" thing and so she'll need CS for LIFE!  What also grinds my gears is that these "children" over 18 are VOTING in elections!!  If NYS considers them CHILDREN when it comes to CS, WHY are they VOTING as ADULTS?

SM12's picture

Thank Goodness our state has CS until 19 regardless of whether they are in school or not. After that the child has to petition for continued support through college.   Luckily my OSS wasn’t smart enough to figure that out.   I would lose my mind if DH had to support his adult spawn until 24.   

I understand that sometimes it is more cost effective to just pay the damn support then continually fight it out in court.   Especially when the spawn have been well trained in working the system.   

Luckily we do have a local judge who will cut off support if the child (over 18) refused contact with the parent for a year.   You just have to go back to court and get it stopped.   He’s a great judge