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Thoughts ladies

Sweet T's picture

If your non custodial ex was asking your 8 year old if he wanted to live with him WWYD?

My ex has started asking our 8 year old who I have physical custody of and he only has EOWend & holidays if he wanted to live with him and his GF. When BS told me this he said he just replied ok as he didn't want to make his dad angry and begged me not to say anything. I told him if dad asks again tell him that is a grown up thing and he needs to talk to mom.


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

It wasn't an assumption. I asked a question as it that could be an evil scheme of the abusive ex husband to get out of paying child support. He certainly seems like the type of a person who is capable of such lowly behavior from her description of him.

Me personally?? I don't receive child support and I don't pay it. We do 50/50 and it works for us. Not everyone is like me though. Good grief.

Disneyfan's picture

I assume that it's about CS or sticking it to the OP.

If he wanted full custody because he felt that it was in their son's best interest, he would have fought for it when they divorced. This guy has a history of painting his exwives as awful, money hungry women. I believe he did that to BM when he was married to the OP. Chances are he's doing it to the OP now that there's a new woman in the picture.

WalkOnBy's picture

It's the Medusa way of thinking. When she had custody and DH was paying her $1600 a month, she would scream from the rooftop that it "costs way more than that to raise three kids."

Now that SHE is the one who pays CS, she screams from the rooftop, "$1100 is way too much money. You can't possibly need all that money to raise three kids."


zerostepdrama's picture

I honestly don't know... Part of me thinks it's wrong, that it's grown up discussion... on the other hand though.. he is the dad and maybe he is wanting his son to live with him (just as you want him to live with you as well) and he thought he would ask to see how he feels about it.. I don't know...

Sweet T's picture

Just some history because I have not been on here in a long time. I was a stepmom for 8 years ( my former stepsons and I are still close) My ex was verbally, mentally and physically abusive and our marriage ended when he was arrested for domestic violence. He has mental health issues ( he had an MMPII test that revealed several mental health diagnoses and my favorite part where he admitted to the therapist that he used anger to bully me to get what he wanted).

Also, he agreed to the CO when we divorced.

SM12's picture

My XH did this to BS when he was around 11-12. I called XH out on it immediately. XH denied it but I had heard about it from three difference sources and none of them ever communicated amongst themselves. After I called XH out on it, it never happened again.
No reason to put an 8 yr old through that pressure.
I wouldn't tell your BS to reply to him, I would call him myself and say...NOT UP FOR DISCUSSION and leave it at that.

Willow2010's picture

You tell DS the following….”A judge ordered that you live with me until you are 18. You WILL live with me until you are 18. No if ands or buts about it. I am not sure why your dad is asking you that but it is not for you to worry about since it is in the CO. Tell your dad to talk to me next time he says something like. You are a child and should not be in that type of conversation. ”

Sweet T's picture

I have explained to BS that we have a decree that his dad agreed to and a judge signed. We have talked with the therapist that he sees about not being put in the middle and how he should respond.

He only would want custody of BS to hurt me. He is not able to raise a child. My former stepsons who are now 16 & 18( I have known them 10 years) have told me that if there dad ever tried to lie and take their brother from me ( he has threatened me that his day is coming) that they would testify against him as they both feel that given his past behavior and crazy decisions it would not be good for him to raise their brother.

twoviewpoints's picture

Bring it to BS's therapist attention. He/she will hopefully be able to help BS in these situations where Dad tries to pull these stunts... if it is something BS is struggling with after your talk. BS loves both his parents. Yes, these are adult issues , but knowing that (as the kid) and still having Dad pursue these types of topics/tactics on the child as an 8yr old is tough on the kid.

Sweet T's picture

This is a man who pinned me against a wall with our child present and told me he wishe I was dead so he could piss on my grave and dance a jig.

He threatened to hit my stepson's mother with a baseball bat in front of all three kids... we are not talking a good man here.

I do not doubt he loves the kids, but he is not right.

Sorry if that statement makes come to that conclusion but it is the truth.

Sweet T's picture

Well he did it with wife #1 and #2 maybe it was just our faults.

My son came home upset a few weeks ago because his father was telling the GF about the incident I just described ( it was a terrifying night for all of us) and he did it in earshot of BS, only when he told the story I did all the bad things and he was the victim. BS was very upset because he knew what really happened and why would dad do that.

My therapist ( who happens to be the supervisor of the DR that did the MMPII test) says that he can keep some thhings together for a while but not long term.

I am sure it would be nice since even though I have been a member of ST for years, now that I am a BM I must be the bad one.

z3girl's picture

A man (or any person) who is abusive is generally not only abusive to his spouse. There is a great possibility he/she will be abusive to his children, or teach them his own abusive behaviors.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Your statement was just fine. She sounds like a new reader not familiar with your past stories here.

Sweet T's picture

I have been a member for 8 years. I deleted my posts from the past while my custody battle was going on.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I followed your blog and your ex husband is an abusive gaslighting a hole and he's up to something. I don't agree with Mustang. you can love a child just fine but if you are beating her up and terrorizing her or threatening her in front of your child.. that's abuse towards the child as well as towards the mom. That was my childhood. I have issues from this today and my dad died when I was 12. Heck yes your son was scared and told your ex, "UM.. ok" cause he knows what can happen when someone opposes your ex.

Aeron's picture

So you don't believe in human error or grey areas then huh? You're making a lot of blanket statements here. "Men can and do love their children". Sure. Just like women. And just like Some women, some men hate their ex more than they love their kids. And some are disordered and unable to love anyone.

You give the women enough credit to figure it out herself. Well terrific. Most women do figure out that abusers are abusers eventually, but it's usually after they become the victim of it. And even then, they often leave and return to their abuser multiple times. Calling OP self centered without knowing her whole story is pretty ignorant and judge mental on your part.

DaizyDuke's picture

DH is guilty of doing this to both skids. Because he thinks BMs are scum (which they are in our case) he was always putting the bug in their ear about living with him... although I suspect this NEVER happened, until I came along... not that I'm so special but we all know how a lot of these men are in that they want their GF/wife to do all the work, while they get the glory.

How long has he been with GF? I wonder if that is the sudden interest? I feel bad for your son. Not fair for an 8 year old to be put on the spot like that. Sad

Sweet T's picture

He knows that I love him like crazy and believe me dad can be fun because their are no rules he knows that he is where he needs to be. I also remind him that his dad does as well, I love my child more than I hate his father.

Sweet T's picture

He has been with this one now for a year. I just met her at BS school program and she seems nice. BS likes her a lot so it is good. She is childless and 43 so I am pretty sure she is not wanting BS to move it lol.... she actually told me what a nice kid he is and what a good job I am doing raising him.

HR By Profession's picture

My Whiskey Tango ex-husband did this to my son, when he wasn't even seeing the child he had with the woman he left me for. Anyways, at 8 I didn't say much to my son except that he is living with me. As for the ex, I know you can't argue with stupid so I didn't allow myself to get drawn into his drama. I just let it lie. If it comes up again, maybe say something then. For now just worry about your son and how he feels about the situation.

RayRay's picture

The BM in our life will TELL the skids she is going to get custody of them. Tell them all the things her current BF is going to buy them once they live there. Rainbow and butterfly promises to fill their little heads. She has once actually tried and the judge about laughed her out of court. She only gets supervised visits every other Sunday.
One of her exes even stated she only wanted to have kids because she would get money from DH. She said that to her BF. WTH?
There may be NCP that want their children with them but for the most part I feel like it's just a money grubbing scheme or a way to hurt CP.

Sweet T's picture

I have been on step talk for years and it is soooo easy to just blame the bio mom.
If my step sons are an indication
, bs will not be wanting to live with the ex. They have all watched him lay around, do nothing, not bathe and treat women badly. I was the step mom for 8 years, I took care of the kids on his visitation. He wanted them at our house just to not have them be wit their mother.

There are good dads and their are bad ones. Just like there are bad moms.

Maxwell09's picture

BM is trying to do this now with SS4; she's telling DH that she's having trouble physically getting him to come back home but when she pulls in the driveway he always runs up to DH and is quite cheerful. There hasn't been any tears since he was 8months old. DH has had to tell SS to go to BMs car before but DH never brought it up because he could tell how hurt and angry she was when it happened. She complains that it's getting harder for her to explain to him why he can't stay with her, and like I told DH, I will tell you: there is nothing to talk about! Mommy and Daddy live apart so a judge who makes all the rules decided where you will be and who you will be there with until you are legally an adult. I think you could email your Ex a reminder that any schedule and or custody changes aren't to be discussed with the children as they have no say in the matter. If I were you I would also include what your son told you: he doesn't want to go live with his dad, but he didn't want to hurt his feelings. Sure your ex might say something to your son about talking to you about it but your Ex had to know your son was going to talk to you about it, he'll just be mad it was to say he was uncomfortable with the question and not "I want to go live with dad". It's really disgusting when adults pull young children into things like this.

borrowedtime83's picture

I see where you are coming from, I have a 9 y/o with my abusive ex, and he played nice and did the "work" so he got his unsupervised visits. Good, now we have a CO saying what your visitation is. He, somehow, has the idea that for every year that goes by, he should be entitled to more parenting time. He is not above threats and coercion and/or trying to involve our child in adult conversations. I WANT my daughter to have a relationship with her father, as long as I have no indication that she is being harmed. I do believe that she loves him, and he loves her. I do, however NEED the court order to follow, or it is a boundariless free for all, where I am threatened when I do not agree to give him his way. I do avoid talking about court and other "adult" things when at all possible, and try my best to keep her out of the adult discussions. No parent should just go to a child and put that kind of pressure of them, especially without having a conversation with the other party. Eight is very young to put that question out there, and in most states, your son verbally saying he wanted to live with his dad wouldn't be enough to change your current agreement.
I also see your point that court orders are not meant to be continually modified or brought up for change all the time, court is stressful for families and children. When dealing with an ex who has been abusive, regardless of whether that person abused the kids, I feel that a CO is essential, because many abusers will use any wiggle room or freedom to their advantage, or to exploit the victim, even if they have completed all the classes and programs.
That being said, this is probably the wrong crowd to gain any sympathy for your plight. Many of the members here are used to dealing with BM dicking their DH around for custody, visitation, and child support, and assume that you are doing the same thing. It's pretty easy to just throw that blanket over you, especially when many people here are not talking about their non-step issues, and they have no idea what your personal situation is. I suppose if I didn't have the perspective of having lived on both sides of the situation, it would be easy for me to do that, also. Just my opinion/experience.

Sweet T's picture

I really wasn't looking for sympathy. I wanted to know if others had this happen and how they handled it. I knew there would be some BM judgement cast on me. I was a step mom who was fed BS for years by my ex that all his problems were because of the ex wife. His problems were because he was controlling, mean and lazy. I have lived a life where the CS that my now ex paid affected my income and our home. I joined here 9 years ago and have hung around but rarely post because there are people who will villify just because all BM's are money grubbing control freaks. I check in because there are still people on here that I follow their stories and have for years because I truly hope that their situations get better.

I was the higher income earner and get very little CS from my son's dad. I have never asked for anything from him and I paid a lot of money for a decree and I believe it needs to be followed. The man cost me about 100K over the years and abused me on top of it. He abused his first wife and it is to the point that his own family have very little to do with him because he has falsly accused his brother of sexual abuse. He tried just this year to blackmail his first wife who he has been divorced from for 11 years, all while trying to get his CS reduced and she has NEVER had a cost of living increase.

I do not want my son to ever think it is okay to use women and treat women the way his dad does. I have a relationship with my former step sons, they have very little respect for their dad not because they were PASed but because they have watched him do crazy and nasty things.I have no doubt he loves his kids but that does not mean that he should spend more time with them.