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Dawn - an appeal from a member

Stick's picture

I know this sh*t is frustrating and crazy. I know that we are all a bunch of screaming banshees sometimes.

But PLEASE... Please do not shut the site down or take it off or anything like that. I know that I am not innocent - by any stretch.

But I cannot tell you how much of a public service this site is.. and how much we all need it.

Yes, even when we are venting screaming banshees... we are relieving stress.

Even when we are taking some of our personal life into our ST life, and possibly taking out frustration on each other... it's a public service.

Do you realize how many marriages you guys have saved?

Do you know how many people just have been able to COPE another day when they were at the end of their wits?

Do you understand how often the gift of laughter that we get from this site, helps us forget that we are dealing in situations that are unbearable at times?

I NEED THIS SITE. And I am not ashamed to say it. We joke about ST crack. But it's only crack because it's "sooo good"! ha!

Thank you again for the site and for letting us be who we are.... needy, compassionate, empathetic, and yes... crazy and bitchy too.

I have faith you will handle this all with courage and fairness. I look forward to what you find out.

In the meantime... please.... don't let this discourage you or let you forget how much good the site has done for a lot of people... including me!


Gia's picture

Why would they take it down?

Why would they even consider that?

It wouldn't be fair to the members that seek advice or give advice. To the members who count on this blogs to vent about their life and members who find this an accepting and welcoming place. All because one inmature woman with less dignity than a rat decided to try to mess with someone in the real world.

I think that there are some unspoken guidelines and just expected ethical behavior from any online community, and getting personal and touching the person's "real world" definitely violates one of them.

sm27's picture

I'm in agreement with Stick on this. When I first came to ST, I was not emotionally healthy. By posting a little and by reading others' situations, I've learned how to deal with my step situation a lot better.

Stick's picture

It's not because of the fact that someone allegedly violated site rules by contacting a BM. That wouldn't cause them to take the site down.

It's not because people were made aware of the breach and told to be careful.

What could make them take the site down is the following amount of fighting and calling each other out. Members calling other members liars. Don't forget... right now... all we have is the word of a member that says she has proof. So... we should all be waiting for the real proof. Phone records... an IP address (I thought email was involved as well??) ... whatever the case may be. We need to trust Dawn and Admin to handle this..

We need to all step back.. Say "Wow that sucks I will be more careful"... and then... as Jen put it.. get on with our lives.

PnutButta's picture

I'm going to put in my two cents here..even if it's not wanted.

I can't believe you guys are surprised by this. Come on. You know how you are, how you've treated people, and how others have treated you.

So you're surprised? Flabbergasted? What?


This is a public site. And honestly, it's turned into the biggest clusterfuck on the net. I do NOT see how this site helps anybody. I came back after it was down hoping things finally changed, and the drama crap seems to be even worse. You people just don't get it.

It's really sad. Once again, the people that need help aren't getting it, and the admins are trying to clean up a mess that should have been taken care of a long time ago.

Amazed's picture

I wish there was a way to just delete all the site history and start from scratch...that way no one gets hurt by their blogs or comments. Just clear it all out and start fresh without deleting members and without shutting down. Just get rid of the history that can hurt so many of us.

Amazed's picture

That's why I wish history could be erased and everyone just chalks it up to a learning experience to not share too much and the site can move forward from here without everyone being so scared of getting targeted for their mistake of being too open.

buttercookie's picture

This site is free and open to all who play by the rules. No one is making anyone stay here this is getting way out of hand. I moderate at another site and I wouldn't have put up with the amount of personal attacks at that site. Dawn and admins give us a long lease people let's stop hanging ourselves with it. We are all here for a common goal let's remember that and stop attacking eachother we don't need to agree all the time but we need to learn to agree to disagree

sweetthing's picture

I agree cru. We need to treat others the way we would want to be treated. There has been way to much drama, attacking and just plain meanness. We bitch about the kids & BM acting entitled , but how are we acting.

How can you expect to have positive relationships in real life when we fight amongst ourselves in a place we all came to for help.

starfish's picture

dawn & admin --- this is your site..... all the bitchers & complainers (oops i think they refer to themselves as long timers to the site) can go find a new spot --- you two have created a great thing and should be very proud and not be undertaken by some self serving individuals.....
good stuff you guys have accomnplished!!!

jesses girl's picture

IMO - there are/were quite a few old-old timers who either left this site, or were run off by a large portion of the "pack". It's unfortunate that we have lost some really great people because of them, but I'm glad it's come to light, better late than never.

Amazed's picture

I was told I was considered a member of the pack...I'm currently awaiting my judgement as well I guess.

starfish's picture

sbs --- don't worry your pretty self.......most have changed their tune and/or name but two that i have noticed.........keep your happy ass here & healthy!!!! you give me hope & inspiration!!

Dawn-Moderator's picture


jesses girl's picture

and don't let the bed-bugs bite! Blum 3

...sorry, couldn't resist! When I was a kid, my mom used to say that to me every night. Thanks for making me smile starfish.

starfish's picture

Smile smiles are good stuff --- love and appreciate you all -- TONS!!!! i never imagined my most understanding friends would be cyber...... love you babes/babemans and thank you for not judging me...