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BM gets mad that we know what's going on at SD's school and she doesn't know what's up or down.

SteppingUp's picture

Last Thursday morning it was 7:20. I'm sitting in the car with SD5 and SS3, and we're waiting for the bus for SD5 to come. I get a phone call from FDH and he goes, "BM doesn't think that SD has school today." I said, "Yes she does." He says, "Are you sure?" I say, "Yes. It's next week that she doesn't have school Thursday and Friday. Plus, there are other kids waiting for the bus."

He calls back BM and tells her that yes, SD has school, and I guess BM kind of flipped on him. She was all snotty and asked, "Well HOW would STEPPINGUP even know?" He explained to her that maybe she should print out a school calendar like SteppingUp did and put it on her fridge and actually pay attention to it!! Smile

She seriously never has a clue what's going on with SD's school stuff. We had to call BM last week because there was a note in her backpack that outlined the amount of lunches that had been paid for and indicated that SD wouldn't be able to eat lunch on Thursday if it wasn't paid. The note was dated about 3 days before...and BM had had SD those nights. BM claims she didn't see the note, therefore we ended up sending SD with some money. GRRRR.

Then she gets pissed that WE know what's going on and she doesn't!!??? WTF? Be a MOM!