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SooTired's Blog

Going down hill FAST!!!

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Things are not getting any better. My husband thinks that I am not doing anything to try to form a relationship with his daughter (12). I just want to give rules, re-enforce them, tell him every bad things she does wrong, and thats it. I truly don't think he understands the kind of pressure I am under. Aside from that SD has only started living with us since november. Yea, me and father have been together for a while now, 3 years since he has "introduced" us. But the dynamic is totally different now. Her mother absolutely hates me.

Thought I made some head-way, but I guess not.

SooTired's picture

My husband and I have only been married for 8 months now, and we have been having problems in regard to my SD since the being of our marriage. Since she has moved in with us (novemeber) it has only gotten worse. We totally don't see eye to eye on how our household should be run. I am the type of person that needs order. If there isn't order then I consider it chaos. Right now I feel like my house is in chaos. My husband and I our constantly arguing over the rules and chores that my SD should be doing/following.

Tired of all the excuses

SooTired's picture

SD is manipulative. My husband doesn't see it that way. He just thinks she is being a regular 12y/o girl. She has practice today which I have to take her you. Currently, I don't even want to be around her. But thats hard to do because she lives with us. She asked if I could pick up her friend for practice. Come to find out the friend's mother thought BM was taking them to practice. Since I'm 'the outsider' the friend's mother said "Oh, I didn't know it was you, its ok I can find a ride for her". Not that I really felt like going out of the way to pick up/drop off someone else anyway.