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How to disengage when your SO wants your help?

SMto3's picture

I'm tired of it all today. For those of you who keep up with my story, SO changed his schedule so that he is not home M-W until 1am. Essentially, skids don't see him all day on those days. SS16 goes to a boxing gym and he was taking SS10 with him, but SO asked me if SS10 could stay with me now that the weather is getting cold.

I want to help him. I really do. But we don't see eye to eye on what parenting should look like. The ACS case is now done and over with. SS10 still doesn't do what he should, at least once weekly a teacher is calling SO to tell him skid is staying in detention or he did something in class or something. SO needs to consistently punish skid. He doesn't. Not even so much as consistently punish, but if he were more involved in making sure his homework was done (check it when he gets in at 1am), then maybe there wouldn't even have to be discipline.

His reasons are just that he doesn't have enough time, or even better, he was telling me a story the other day of a guy he knows who did horribly in school and is now successful. I told him those are the exceptions.

The truth is, I don't really care personally whether or not the kids pass/fail, because I don't see it as my success or failure. They have 2 parents who choose how to deal with them. The issue is that I want to be a better support to SO, but I feel like he doesn't take on the role he should. And after everything crazy BM has done, the boys have been keeping in contact with her behind our back, which to be honest, I expected. But it still makes me feel a certain way about everything. Why should I try so hard if their parents aren't? Why aren't they more wrong than I am for not helping them? Not saying they think this way, but I don't want to spend time on people who will always think whatever I do is second best to this person who doesn't even really want to be responsible for them, but gave birth to them?

He told me the other day he doesn't want to alienate the boys. I was just reading through someone's blog today and it hit me. The reason I care is because if the skids continue to fail (SS16 got left back again, gets out of school early but yet finds time for boxing and SO doesn't see anything wrong with this picture), that means they will have that "failure to launch".

SS16 is in 9th grade. He wants to be a professional boxer. I don't think he's going to get rich and famous because honestly, I don't think he's that good, but both he and SO believe it's a possibility. I keep telling SO to have him focus more on school, on graduating, on looking into colleges. He says he will, but he also encourages SS16 to continue boxing.

As for SS10, he continues to have issues with authority and his behavior. SO never got him evaluated, he's dragging his feet. I'm afraid this kid is going to end up doing something to ruin his life, all because he doesn't know when not to talk back or when not to mouth off to adults, or when not to be the class clown, or just when to listen. He is a bright child, but he refuses to learn. All he wants to do is avoid work at all costs, and SO's schedule is not helping. I try to help on my days off when I can, but I also don't have a consistent schedule.

And when I think of BM sitting on her ass, not even cooking or giving these kids a sandwich at the very least, I get so annoyed that she doesn't deal with any of this. I hate this whole situation sometimes.


young_stepmomma25's picture

This sounds like my life. I don't have any suggestions because honestly, I don't. I'm just glad I'm not living in the dark with the same situation as well. Your 10yr old skid is my equivalent to my 15 SD & it'll only get worse if daddy don't parent the way he's supposed to so good luck & Godspeed.

SMto3's picture

Here's the kicker: BM has the house from the marriage while SO bought himself a 2 bedroom apartment. I want to move but SO doesn't because it will lengthen his commute time to 3 hours daily instead of 20 minutes. SS16 will be 18 in 2 years and in 11th grade if he sticks out high school. He will be about 19 going on 20 if he graduates. I think he shoukd either go to college, get an apartment (which is very difficult to do without a good job in nyc) or go live with BM in the house. It kills me that they have their own rooms there, yet we all share rooms here. My daughter will be about 4 when SS graduates, I think she should have her own room by then.

SMto3's picture

Sally, I wish that were the case. SS10 even says he wants to live with BM. He's been like that for the 4 years I've been involved with SO. I think his behavior is a mix of possible ADD and wanting to live with BM. I honestly think that kid is going to end up in trouble in his teen years and his personality is a lot stronger and aggressive than SS16. I think he's going to give DH hell and I don't see why if he does do that, he shouldn't go live with BM. If that's what he wants, and he's going to be a danger to himself until he gets it, SO shoukd let him go live with BM. But I guess we will cross that bridge when we get there.

SMto3's picture

No, the boys share a room and SO, DD, and I share the other. They wouid both have to go for DD to have her room

SMto3's picture

Yup, I told him he has to be the one doing the primary parenting. And discipline has to be done swiftly and consistently. But it seems like he's so bad at it. And I told him from the very beginning I didn't want to parent anyone's kids, I'm supposed to just be his support system. He uses the "new" schedule as an excuse as to why he can't be consistent.

SMto3's picture

I spoke to SO about this yesterday, he said he would speak to him. The thing is, SS16 is good, but not great. He already gets a lot of practice (from 4p-8p), so I don't think practicing more is feasible. Maybe this is the best he's going to get. I just hope he's able to find something else he has a passion for. He says college isn't for him....