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BM laughs at Ss8 sneaking stuff to school

SisterNeko's picture

The last time the skids were here we caught ss8 sneaking trading cards to and from school as well as sneaking them between house holds which we do not allow.

DH told BM about it and she just laughed. Ss8 has gotten in trouble at school many times for the cards and I heard teacher tell him no more trading cards at school they are a distraction to him.

The last week he was here he came home with a card after DH told him no more at school for the 10 th time and after I told him no trading on the bus either. He said he got it on the bus which angered me since I told him no so I took the card and have yet to return it. DH suggested that I give it back but I refuse, the kid has to learn.

Then that Sunday (switch day) DH found 2 cards in his back pack and put the in ss8's room but ss8 saw him and asked where he got them. DH just said he found them then watched as ss8 picked them up and put them back in his backpack. This time DH called him on it. A few weeks before ss8 asked to take cards to BM's and we said no, ss8 was just admit about it and we think they ended but at BM's now. So now we search ss8 before he leaves our house and when he returns.


SisterNeko's picture

I forgot to say and while sneaking trading card is MINOR we feel it should be nipped in the butt now before it grows into a bigger issue. It's the same as lying or being untruthful.