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Milking it surprised....

Simpleton21's picture

DH just informed me that he isn't getting SD tonight (his scheduled night to get her) because she returned to school today but only made it a 1/2 day and now she has a headache!  I took this opportunity to point out to DH that it obviously isn't just BM over exaggerating and that SD is also milking this system.  SD was 100% fine at our house this past weekend.  No headache.  On her phone the entire time.  Was able to dye her hair and talk to friends non stop.....but now that she is back to school symptoms have returned....WOW!

Oh, and SD was supposed to go to therapy tonight also.  I'm sure it is no coincidence that she has a headache and has to miss this appointment.....


Simpleton21's picture

Obviously!  LOL!  At least the ssssttttuuuttterrring and the overly fake zoombie walking effects of the concussion have subsided.  

thinkthrice's picture

SHOCKER!!!  Of course you pointing it out will only cause DuH to defend her.  But at least she's not coming over. 


Simpleton21's picture

Surprisingly DH did not defend her.  He even actually stated himself that he "thinks she is milking it"....I said "you think?!?! she was perfectly fine here all weekend and blaming BM for the dramatics!" 

Simpleton21's picture

Lets not get to excited or carried away....he has been on the same page before until his wittle pwincess showed up and he lost his balls.....

thinkthrice's picture

an actual parenting move or admission of fault!!!   Just put a sad sack look on and say "Gee it's really hard when things are this way;  I'd have a hard time with it too if I were in your shoes"  (TM)

Eve-Bee's picture

Oh, no! She is starting to sound like SD20. A migraine is her favorite skipping school excuse, because you know it is not easily disproven. I hope your DH is better at stopping this behavior now (before it becomes a chronic issue) than mine was! 

Simpleton21's picture

Eve-Bee, unfortunately DH is not good at stopping this behavior or making this behavior unpleasant for SD.  I'm sure that my SD has already realzied this "concussion" is the gold mine of injuries b/c it can't easily be disproven and it can last FOREVER!  Migraines will def be next.  I guess SD finally realized that even though BM believed in her "undetectable broken bones" no one else did.....

advice.only2's picture

"Oh no DH do you think allowing her to do all those things this weekend added to her re-concussing her poor abused brain?!? I seriously think you should take this more seriously lest she end up a drooling potatoe in a home for the rest of her life...with you footing the bill!"

sharlyns's picture

You know being on cell phones too long can cause migraines..hmmmm...maybe no phone! Then straight to the doctor! Run labs!  Lol....

Don't expect biomom to go to counseling. Any fool who uses her kid as an excuse is a dead beat loser!

Stay strong my lady! 

Survivingstephell's picture

I've been reading your saga for quite a long time now and all I got is you have a man problem.  A man who will not truly parent his child.  I pity the fool(s) SD can con into marrying her.  (you know she will have a string of them)

Siemprematahari's picture

If SD has a concussion she really needs to limit her screen/phone time significantly. This possibly lead to her "headache" and should be made to stay in her room with no TV, electronics and in the dark.

She really is a piece of work!