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Taking bets........

Shaman29's picture

How many of you think this unrepentant, rancid sack of shit really committed suicide? How many feel that he had some help??


Shaman29's picture

I have a good friend that was on the inside for a while. He is fairly certain it was not suicide and doubtful it will be truly investigated.

Even convicted felons have a code of conduct, one of them is you don't touch kids.

Disneyfan's picture

How much would that have cost????

I don't care how left, I'm just glad he's gone.

hereiam's picture

I really don't care one way or the other. Easy way out? Maybe but I'd rather he burn in hell than waste space and taxpayer's money.

Shaman29's picture

They don't need to be in general population to have the other inmates get to them.

It's not the guards that take care of him. It's the inmates and trustees. They prepare his meals, clean his clothes, deliver his mail, bring his food, bring his commissary items, etc. A guard only needs to turn their back for a second for bad things to happen.

purpledaisies's picture

Yea when I heard he was found dead I did a little dance really. Now at least those girls will have the relief he is gone for good. easy way out? Maybe but I do think it is best for those girls, they can now really do everything they can to move on without having to worry about him.

Drac0's picture

While I am glad that this world has one less monster running amok I am still puzzled over how this guy was capable of committing these vile acts for so long. The police came to his house - what? - Three times? Each time was due to reports of a disturbance from a neighbor (if I remember the original article correctly)

I too think it was suicide but IMO he should have been caught A LOT sooner.