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I'm good enough to live with you, but....

roseslady2's picture

I'm so sick of teenagers... and we have one still to go!!! I think I'm going to have a coronary before it's over. SS15 is with DH's parents this weekend. All weekend, he's been on his facebook by way of cell phone lamenting his bad fortune that he can't talk to his little slut gf... GET OVER IT!! Then, he has the drama to say "it sux not having anyone to talk to." HELLO! Just because GF has fun when you're gone does not mean youhave no one to talk to. She's not waiting by the phone, be happy hthat she has a life! Why does he wantwant little hold on his every word? why does he want little insecure dumbies? He has this awesome girl (as far as a guy is concerned) and all he can do is smother her. She's independent, smart, pretty, and athletic. Someone tell me, why does he only like girls whenthey're losers? He only seems to care about her when she's hurting, doting on him, or giving him head (they are no longer allowed to go to her place because of this one). I think by the end of the week, he will be pushing her away because he hasn't gotten any P*SSY for a week. I wish she'd see through this and stop trying to be an enabler to his dumb antics.

Anyway, what got me on here was that he was online complaining and I started talking to him. I figured if he's really bored, he'll talk to anyone. So, I start talking and he says "I didn't really want to talk to my parents!" Get offit, you little jerk! Aparently, I'm good enough to livein the same house, clean his dirty dishes, take care of his annoying brother, pick up after all their slobby bums, but I'm not good enough to chat with... I don't want to be his friend, but I want him to at least have the decency to treat me like any other human being.


jaohlund's picture

I'm so with you on the teenager thing. My SS is 12 and has lived with us for nearly 9 months. I know he has hormones raging but I just don't think that it excuses his rude behavior. Lately, he only speaks to me if he wants something. When he comes home from his mom's, it's even worse!
I feel just like you - good enough to clean, do his laundry, buy what he needs, etc. On top of that, I work a part time job to help pay for his expensive sports! For what?? To be treated like crap? My older daughter tells me one day he will appreciate me. I'm not sure I'll last that long!
Tonight is a perfect example...he and his dad leave to spend time with friends. I coordinate the plans, remind him what to bring and he can't even say goodbye? Oh, and I couldn't go because I am working!!!!