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Rhinodad's Blog

What a night last night.

Rhinodad's picture

This is going to be a long post, but I have to vent. Last night did not go well, thanks to SD8, but I have to say I'm very happy with how my DW handled things. Things have really changed around here and man I'm glad that DW listened to me and is actively parenting SD8 when she is here.

Halloween (again)

Rhinodad's picture

So, this has been a relatively quiet week with SD8 here this week. She's been on pretty good behavior - other than not getting her work done at school or at home and having to turn in incomplete work. No temper tantrums about homework, nothing. Relatively quiet.

Follow up to pasta.

Rhinodad's picture

So, SD8 again brought home work that she didn't finish in class or in aftercare. DW told her to go to dining table to complete it.

SD8 starts yelling and whining that "It's not faaaaaiiir." "Why do I have to do it NOW?"

DW lost it. She told SD8 in no uncertain terms that we are not going to do this again this year. We are not having a repeat of this behavior. She will do her homework when she gets home from school, without complaint, or she will be grounded. Period. DW was PISSED.

I'm special because....

Rhinodad's picture

...I like pasta.

That was the answer to a question that SD8 had on a classwork assignment her second day of class. It was (predictably) not finished in class or aftercare, and come home as homework. This school has a no homework policy and gives students ample time to complete in class and at aftercare.

The birthday dinner is over...

Rhinodad's picture

The day did not start off well, as I've come down with some type of cold. So I wasn't in a great mood, but I sucked it up. We went to a seafood restaurant for SD8's birthday. As I mentioned in previous blogs, this is BioDad's week with SD8 and SD8 was even confused about why we were having this joint dinner together. Of course I did not want to go, but I agreed to it and I kept my word.
