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2yo terrorist News Story - By mom.

Rags's picture


Harry's picture

And grand kids behaved in restaurants.  People are spending there hard earn money to go out to eat and should be able to enjoy themselves.   On the other hand I payed babysitters to deal with my kids when we went our to eat by ourselves..  I didn't want to deal with other peoples kids.  [bad behavior] 
 worst is when four couples with kids like 8 or 10 put the kids on there own table. With out adult supervision.  Last time I want to that restaurant,

Rags's picture

Oh I get it.

I am that guy who calls for the manager when ill behaved spawn are detracting from a pleasant restaurant experience.  I'm also the guy who confronts the rude loud disruptive passenger on an airplane.  Much to the mortification of my kid.

My college BFF's kid was one of those kids when she was young.  After the second time we all went together and she was runing around the restaurant or threw a fit, he would no longer bring her out with me/us.  We never saw her for more than 7yrs.  She is now in her mid teens and is perfectly pleasant.  Though a bit brooding and rudely non engaging IMHO.