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Oh boy ex husbands ex wife!

purpledaisies's picture

My exH has not seen or had any contact with our kids since they were very little in short is has been 15 years! anyway out of the blue he starts to write the kids b/c he is in prison and is bored. Dd will have NOTHING to do with him, ds started to write him till he got bored. Now his ex wife contacted me on face book, not sure if she wants a bashing fest about him or what? :? I am not going to do it though, I'll talk to her about her kids (my kids half brother and sisters) um really how should I take this? I don;t know what to think? :? :? :? :?


Rags's picture

Your children and her children share a father. I don't think that there is anything wrong with you communicating with her and discussing how to handle contact by him with the kids, all of the kids.

Personally I would not want any of the children interfacing with a criminal regardless of the genetic relationship involved.

Try PM-ing with her on FB to see how things go. You can always block her if you don't like how it is going.

Best regards,

VAStepMom's picture

I would not communicate with her. Regardless of the kids sharing a father. Unless you think for some reason, your children will benefit. Though, I cannot see how.

She may want to learn something from you, that will help her.

Keep her off your facebook. She does not need to have access to your daily life.

Good luck.

purpledaisies's picture

Well the way she raised her kids umm NO I don;t like it. The oldest looks like something out of a goth fairy movie, the next girls seems to be ok, but the youngest is a trouble little boy, he looks just like their dad and acts just like him. Now my son looks just like his dad too but he doesn't act like him. She doesn't have him she let ex husbands ex step mom have him! :jawdrop: She is a weirdo! Anyway she also left the kids with ex husband for years and didn't have any contact, I think they both aren't good parents. But nothing I could do they live in another state. I am feeling her out and asked if she has contact with him, I told her I don;t but he was free to write the kids however dd wants NOTHING to do with him and ds lost interest.