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football game with yuck. barf

purpledaisies's picture

Ok so its not too bad sitting next her. However when she puts her hand on my shoulder and asks how im doing like we are bfs or domething crosses the line for me.

I told dh that after all the crap she put me and my kids through i just cant pretend we are freinds in any way.

Anyone else bm do this.


RedWingsFan's picture

OMG why do you continue to subject yourself to that? I've never met or even spoken with BM, nor do I want to, EVER. I can't imagine sitting together with her ANYWHERE! :sick:

PeanutandSons's picture

We rarely see bm1, but when she does remeber that she has another child and stops by, she acts like we are all good old friends.

When she came to see SS in Feb for his birthday (fist visit in over two years) she decided to tell me all about her labors and deliveries for her kids. Like I want to know ANYTHING about her vagina! She also is constantly trying to give me parenting advice. As if is take advice from a mother who lost her kids to dcf and lost any possibilty of ever getting custody back.

purpledaisies's picture

It wss an accident. We sat down then i noticed hrr sister little from us then she came back frim getting food and het spot was nect to me. Ugh

purpledaisies's picture

Yrust me i dont want to be any where near her. It just happened then i felt that if we moved it would look bad in us so ee stayed. Uhg