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Bm is just a nasty person. updated

purpledaisies's picture

Bm texted and said that the oldest has a thing for school on sat. I can't remember what it is though. Any way she said that he will not be coming over and he can pick up on sat instead. Dh told me "I just love it how she puts it like I don't have a choice." He texted her back (now I stay out of everything and let him handle it) said that she can bring him to our house then. She texted him back and said "I don;t think so you can come get him I'm driving out there." Dh told me that he will not be driving to her house to get the kids anymore if that is the attitude she is going to have. Dh picks them up at her house and then meets her half way to drop them off. I told him a long time ago to stop pick them up at her house that it will only bit him in the butt. Well I guess I was right.

Dh said that for some reason bm seems to think that dh doesn;t want to pick up the boys unless all are present. SS13 is gone on his trip, ss15 has a a band thing on sat. (which dh can take him to but bm seems to think he can't). So anyway dh would only pick up one boy tonight according to her. Dh told her to talk to the boys and see if they want to come since they were here last weekend. He is supposed to hear something today.

I told him this is not a good idea b/c if he sets the stage for them come when they want then they will stop coming all together especially since they are teens now. Hr said he only did it this one time b/c they were here last weekend. I also told him that it didn't matter if you stress that it is the kids choice or not you know if it were up to bm she would never let them come here.

Why can't men think before opening mouth???