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Do you change the subject when DH/SO starts talking about skids?

prozac_nation's picture

Last night SO and I were outside and he starts going on and on about skids coming over tomorrow and about how he's needs to text BM. My reply: "Look at that wagon over there." A wagon, really? I really didn't even mean to say it LOL. It just kind of came out.

Just wondering if anyone else does this. Well, maybe not THIS exactly. I hope you all have better things to point out than a wagon. LOL


bi's picture

unless he's telling me something about sd that i like (such as how he's pissed off at her for xyz), yes i change the subject. or if it's something that i have to answer i will give him a very short, curt answer in a tone that lets him know i'm not interested in talking about her. he knows i can't stand his kid. i think he's understanding about it, because honestly, he can hardly stand her himself. she's got way too much of her mother in her. he's said more times than i can count "she's a stupid bitch, just like her mother" or "she acts like just like her stupid mother". he tolerates her because he has to, but i don't have to!

Myself's picture

"he's said more times than i can count "she's a stupid bitch, just like her mother" or "she acts like just like her stupid mother".

:jawdrop: Wow....that is a bit extreme....I can't help feeling a bit sorry for her here. If I discover that my own father has said something like that about me (not that he ever would), well..........I'd be devastated.

bi's picture

i knew you would respond to this. feel sorry for her all you want. if you act like a stupid bitch, people are going to think you are a stupid bitch. simple as that.

bi's picture

you are right. sd is 20. it's not like he said this about a 2 year old. or a 5 year old. she's an adult, and her behavior has not changed one iota since i've known her. her nasty behavior has taken different routes as she's gotten older, but it's always been there. fdh messed up with her. he wasnt' involved enough and he didn't truly parent her. he did whatever would shut her up and make his life easy. yeah, he failed. i'm sure part of the problem was having her when he was 19. but it's not MY problem. i don't have to like her. you don't have to like yours. to anyone who feels sorry for them, i can't speak for all of us, but i would be too happy to fed ex her to your door for eternity!

onebright1's picture

^^yep^^ I posted this "If you want to be liked, try being likeable" on FB once.
even tho skids and bm are blocked because Skid12 was whining that nobody likes her and she is right. She has not 1 friend. She is mean and a bully and a whiner and dresses awful.