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Small (and maybe petty): but stuff like this really makes me wonder..

PeanutandSons's picture

Note: SIL and SD have the same name.

I had found a really great family type present for sil and her kids. Eh had previously said that he wasn't getting them anything for Xmas. But he frequently says things and then when he calms down changes his mind.

So I asked him last night... I know you said before that you werent getting her anything, but were you planning on getting anything for sil and the kids for Xmas, because I have a great idea if you've changed your mind.

He gives me this look and say I thought you got all that stuff already ... Then he nods his head at SD and angrily whispers...she standing right there.

I am talking about your sister.

Then he laughs and we talk about the gift.

OK, here's what bothers me..... Why on earth would he think I ment his daughter. Why would I ever refer to all the kids as ”sd and the kids". Isn't that an odd way to refer to the 4 kid's in the house.... Makes me wonder how much higher he really does hold SD over the other kids [all of whom are his] that he would think I was talking about them by saying sil and the kids. He dotes on her more than the others, but my god..... Does he really think in terms of SD, and the rest of them?

He knew I had finished Xmas shopping for ours and that they each had equal gifts because we had just discussed it.... So it made no sense at all to think I was talking about SD.


PeanutandSons's picture

Esp when I said "I know you said you didn't want to get her anything,but..." Should have keyed him in that I wasn't talking about SD....since we never discussed anything of the sort.

Nor would I ever be so careless as to try and discuss Xmas gift in front of the kids!

But his mind instantly goes to SD. Let's ignore all the other context clues because how could any conversation not revolve around the princess.

True me.... The next time I refer to the skidd and my BSs as "SD and the kids" will be the first. And if I do, get me to the hospital because I must be having a stroke.