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Inlaw vent- BS turned 4 on Friday and not one word from DHs family

PeanutandSons's picture

Second year in a row that dhs entire family doesn't acknowledge our sons birthday. Everyone from my side of the family either called to wish him a happy birthday or sent him a message through my FB account. NOT ONE WORD FROM ANYONE ON HIS DADS SIDE! He has a blood grandma, a blood grandfather, a step grandmother, two aunts and three uncles on dhs side....not one did anything to acknowledge his birthday.

And all these same people go out of their way to celebrate the skid birthdays. They always call and make sure to get them presents. This is the second year in a row that they have ignored his birthday. I fucking hate these people. At least dh is as outraged as I am this year... He didn't even notice nor care last year.