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question about Bm and health insurance

msg1986's picture

Bm contacted Dh today asking him to drop Ss from our health insurance because she said the co-pays are too much and that she doesn't need it anyway because they are only using her new husbands insurance for Ss's doctor's appts because co-pays are cheaper. I posted a post about this a few months ago when she told Dh that Stepdad was adding Ss to his insurance and from what I've found out, the person with the earlier bday is the primary. Well, Dh has the earlier bday in the year so that would be mean Dh's insurance would be primary and Stepdad is secondary.

So my question is, being that Dh is the primary and stepdad is the secondary-what could/would/will happen being that Bm is basically withholding Dh's insurance information when she's taking Ss to doctors appts even though that is the primary insurance? The CO states that Dh is required to carry Ss on our insurance so is there really an option of dropping SS from our insurance? Could these medical bills (Bm takes Ss to the doctor A LOT) fall back on us? It doesn't cost anything to keep Ss on our insurance so I don't think we would even consider dropping him but what happens if the doctor’s office finds out? Is it even possible for them to find out if we don't contact them to tell them she's not giving them all the insurance info? Should we consider dropping him? Thoughts?


Shaman29's picture

Follow the CO and have your H keep him on his insurance.

It doesn't matter what the BM says, you don't want her effing you over down the road.

msg1986's picture

Oh okay, that sounds about right, I just wasn't sure. Could we get in trouble that's she's not giving MDs dhs insurance?

misSTEP's picture

I would think that falls on her to disclose that information.

I know that when my SD got preggo at 16 and had a premie, BM/SD must have never disclosed the fact that she was covered under my DH's insurance because she had medicaid pay for all of it. At least I know my DH never got any bills related to that point, I couldn't be bothered to ask or be concerned about it.

Aeron's picture

CO states DH must carry insurance, no way I would risk dropping him. Possible outcomes? BM gets a burr under her and decides to file contempt just because she can. She and SD split up and kid is dropped and now without insurance. SD gets fired, laid off whatever.... Again, no insurance.

Can you even drop the kid without it being open enrollment time?

I would tell BM it's in the CO and if she wants SS dropped she can go to court to have DH relieved of the obligation to provide insurance and that it will not happen before then.

Glassslipper's picture

If it doesn't cost you anything then don't take him off, you never know. If its not costing you a dime to keep him on then just keep him on. Tell BM "ok thanks" and be done with it, but keep him on.

msg1986's picture

Yeah that's kind of what I figured considering it doesn't cost us anything. Do you know what could happen with Bm only providing the doctors with what's really the secondary jnsurance?

Glassslipper's picture

Nothing. Honestly. The only time that the secondary comes into play is if the first doesn't cover a test because of their policy, BUT these days with Obama care and medicare standards there is little to no testing done that is "above and beyond" what is considered standard.

For example:
Bm take SS to the doctor because his knee hurt. The doctor says
1) lets x-ray it
2) I don't see a break, lets brace it and come back in 6 weeks.
its a rule out process

Now back in the DAY when 2 insurances were good (not so much now with health care reform) Bm could say "I want a CT and MRI and bone scan just to make sure" and doctors office would do it. So what ever primary insurance didn't cover, secondary would.

Thats NOT the case anymore. The doctors WONT run additional test because the patient wants them. If they do, the goverment calls them out on it, accuses them of over testing just to pad their own pockets, publishes it on the net, threatens to take away their licenses.

Very few people can afford 2 insurances, so very few people have it anymore and frankly it pointless these days with the heath care reform

msg1986's picture

So it doesn't matter that she's giving the secondary insurance? We carry the primary but she's not telling the doctors office about it so she's using the secondary and acting as though it's the primary.

Glassslipper's picture

Primary and secondary died with healthcare reform years ago, I work in healthcare, I have a lot of over sign in the billing with the type of nursing I do.
2 insurances on one person is rare unless the person is on medicare, then the secondary is there for ONLY what medicare doesn't cover.

Is your DH supplying Medicaid? Or is it insurance he pays for from his employer?

If your DH is supplying Medicaid, then the primary is private pay, the birthday rule OVER rules if a private pay is available.

msg1986's picture

Ahh I see, I had no idea it worked like that. That really eases my mind because when he told me I was like that effing great lol. Dh covers with his insurance thru his job. So does stepdad.

notarelative's picture

If it's in the CO can you legally drop it? Talk to your lawyer before you. Don't rely on a conversation with BM to change what's in the CO.

What happens if the new husband loses his job and thus the insurance? How easy or hard is it to get the kids back on your insurance?

Cadence's picture


We will not do as you ask and take SS off of our health insurance so that he can be on your husband's insurance.

It is legally mandated in the CO that we have him on our insurance, and therefore we will continue his coverage through our insurance.

DH and MSG1986"

misSTEP's picture

I would go with even a simpler email:


It is in the CO that I supply insurance for SS so I will continue to do so regardless of any other insurance he may be covered by.
