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Shame on SD!

MissK03's picture

BM took SD on her monthly nail appointment today. BM asked how the chinchillas were... SD told her one died. BM then got "mad" because SD didn't tell her that day or something. Knowing how BM is when SD says "mad" I bet it was more like.. "whhhhyyyyyy didnnnntttttt you telllll meeeeee." In long drawn out words. Not... "I'm sorry your pet died." Etc. 

I am SO sick of BM making literally EVERYTHING about her!! I said to SD that BM had no connection to them and it really isn't her business. SD followed with yeah and then she started complaining about the bathroom in her "new" house. 

Our chinchilla dying was incredible sad for us. We have a pair and it was our female that died. When we got our male fixed he had some complications and the vet said you don't know anything is wrong with them basically until it is too late. Our female chinchilla appeared fine an hour before then SD found her on her side... she called me frantically (I was at work) and SO rushed her to the vet but there was nothing they could do. She was only 4 years old so that was young for her to die. Sad overall though. This happened 2 weeks ago. 

And there BM is making it about herself!! I can't wait for her to be gone. I can't stand how she always has this inside scoop on what is going on in our house because skids live here. Once they are eventually out I will be more at ease. Hopefully haha. 


AgedOut's picture

I'm so sorry. Pets are family and when one of our family members is gone it hurts so badly. I am so sorry you're all hurting. 

Noway2b1's picture

First, I'm sorry about your pet. My pup is 10 this year, I enjoy her so much and am reminding myself the unconditional love we both have for each other.  

I don't know if the the trickle of useless information to bm ever stops. My DH has been divorced nearly 35 years now, and when I realized she was being informed of  mundane things that had nothing to do with her it helped solidify my detachment from all of them. It was about 3 years ago that I really put the hammer down on having any interaction with her. I don't miss the awkwardness of it, of having her say "oh congratulations on xyz" some mundane thing that I would think "how did this even come up in conversation?" I mean it's like...... Uhmm yea we really love our new dining room set, thanks. 0.O 

AgedOut's picture

next time it happens go w/ a minute long blank stare followed by "oh. thanks" 


it throws them off their 'I know your life' game

Noway2b1's picture

Or interacting with her will continue. Her random texts to DH are getting weirder. Things about his DNA and our fancy expensive food. He hasn't blocked her because we both get such a hearty laugh out of her crazily trying to insert herself somewhere somehow with us. He also never responds, just shares with me for comedic effect. 

MissK03's picture

Ugh frustrating. It's more though how she is projecting on to SD that she NEEDS to tell her things and making it about her. We know basically nothing about BMs life except that she will be moving out of state some point this year.

We don't even know what she does for work. She lives a child free life with her husband.... but yet gets "mad" at SD15 about something that doesn't concern her AT ALL. 

floralsm's picture

Sorry about your pet. BM is like this with SD too. We know nothing about BM and what she does for work and SD reports her day to BM at ours and it's annoying af. BM asks her what she's up to and SD tells her what we are doing and where we are going and who we are seeing, ect. SD never even contacts DH at BMs. We have no idea what goes on over there until SS tells us and that's only if we ask which we don't like to interrogate too much. Just the usual 'oh how was your week? What did you get up to?' SS gives us more info and SD always interrupts with 'No! That's not what happened, or No that's changed now'. SD defends BM laziness and untidiness and when she leaves SS whispers 'SD is lying, that is true what I said'. Lol BM has done a great job PASing SD out. 

MissK03's picture

Thank you. Yeah it's strange how that works. For us it is almost like BM is "punishing" SD for not telling her. Like BM thinks she HAS to know what is going on in her house.

That's my biggest frustration. And she has no right to get "mad" at SD for not telling her... but she spins everything about her. Everything! She's beyond selfish.