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Carrying All the Weight

MandaV's picture

Well, this is my first time blogging, so bear with me if I seem to ramble.

I have been a step-mother for almost 4 years now. I have a unique situation. I have been more of a 'real' mother to my step-children than their biological mother.

My husband's ex-wife left him and their 2 children for another man when the youngest one was 6 months old. Not knowing what to do, my husband went to live with his parents with his 2 children until he could figure out his next move.

He took on over 3 jobs, one of which including the Army, leaving his parents to really do most of the parenting for the children. When I came in to the picture, the children were almost 2 & 3. I instantly fell in love with the children.

Since coming in to the kids' lives, my husband and I have had the kids full-time (for almost 4 years). The mother has had small visits with the kids. They only saw her about 5 days last year. She has chosen to live with a man that the kids are terrified of. They admitted he had physically abused them. We were able to get a restraining order on him. AND after all of this, the mother is getting ENGAGED to this man!! She doesn't think that what her boyfriend did was wrong. Because of this and the mother's alcohol use/disgusting social behavior, he was given full physical custody and their mother only gets 18 days a year to see the kids.

This leaves me being the full-time mother. They call their mother by her first name and call me 'mom'. I have potty-trained these kids. I helped them learn how to ride a bike without training wheels. I am my step-son's cub scout leader. I have tutored these kids, helping them be amazing students. I went from being in college and having no real responsibilities, to being an instant full-time mom.

Now, I have a 10 month old daughter with my husband and we are expecting another baby in September. It has been hard. With my daughter, I was so excited about having my first baby. But, I was looked down upon by my family for saying she was my 'first' child. I was shamed into not being excited about my own baby!!!

With this pregnancy, all I hear from our family is, "How are you going to deal with 4 kids?" "Ya'll are crazy!" I feel cheated sometimes. This is only my second pregnancy - something that is normal and common, but I have to walk around acting like it's my 4th. It's not fair. I wish their mother was a decent human being and could help raise her own kids. It's like doing someone else's homework and THEY get to take the credit for the good grade.

Their mother loves to say she is a mom, she expects the kids to call her on Mother's Day, and she feels like nothing is wrong with her relationship with them. Above all, she is rude and disrespectful to me. She talks about me to my husband like I'm some monster. She claims that I'm trying to 'steal' her kids. WTF?! Please! Help raise your kids!!! Any time I've tried to give her advice on how to be a better mom to the kids, she just thinks I'm insulting her.

I have grown tired of all of this. There are days where I just want to worry about my own children. I sometimes feel like I'm neglecting my baby and my unborn baby by having to constantly take care of someone else's kids. They have to go to therapy every week for the child abuse they suffered when they were with their mother. The youngest one has severe ADHD that no one wants to do anything about. Everyone pities them to the point that they are SPOILED BRATS! No one wants to upset them, so they never get told 'no' by anyone, but me. And when I say 'no' and when I discipline, I'M instantly the bad guy.

I don't know what to do. Do I keep chugging along, going through the motions? Or do I get out now, while I still have my sanity and my own kids have not been harmed?


Lilynadrienne's picture

I understand you n feel u have gone above n beyond what u need to do your kids come first take care of them n then others!

iloveMYkids's picture

You have the only post that I have found in this forum that I can relate to. I have dealt with so much in the past 3 years, I have dealt with so much TODAY..that I just wanted to log on here and find something that would give me a boost to stay, go, anything but this. It feels good to know that at least ONE person out there might know what I feel like, so thank you for your post! I too have dealt with feeling cheated during my pregnancies because of my SD's on top of many other atrocities, and I have tried to reach out to others to discuss the matter but nobody that I know has ever been close to being in my situation. Everyone that I know things that I am 'so lucky' but I feel like I am living close to Hell. My 1st pregnancy, some of my fiance's family was happy but some wanted me to get an abortion. I was so appalled! I was 24 and fully capable of caring for a child, but my fiance's 2 kids from his marriage were so screwed up that his family felt that there were already too many kids around. Then I got pregnant with number two and he and I really caught flack from everyone...people would say you already have 3 kids, how can you raise another? It was almost offensive. It was my time to shine and show what a great mom I could be and everyone did their best to steal it from me. All I have ever wanted was my own family and in trying to get that I have been looked down upon like some whore who can't stop reproducing. What is so wrong with a 26 year old having her 2nd child? There is so much more to this than I can type, and I don't want to make your post about me, but I just wanted to let you know that I can totally relate. I take care of 4 kids everyday, two kids bring me sunshine and the other two make my day Hell. Their dad treats me great, but he is clueless when it comes to raising kids so it's up to me and I feel as though I'm starting to crumble at my foundation. When I turn to my elders for advice, they acknowledge that my fiance treats me like gold, but they are baffled when it comes to his kids. From what I can tell, anyone in my shoes would leave. Looks like you are in the same situation and it crosses my mind from time to time. This isn't the way I want to live! But you are pregnant and sometimes the birth of a child changes things for the better. Sometimes for the worst....I hope that it does get better for you...but either way, your unborn is your number one priority and try to not forget that through everything. As a mother it is your job to 'protect'...keep yourself happy enough to have a healthy and happy baby-you can do it!

MandaV's picture

@iloveMYkids: You must be my soul sister! I was nervous about posting on this forum because I had read a lot of stories that were way off from my situation. I thought that no one would understand my P.O.V. I HATE being looked at like, "Wow.. she's 25 and has 4 kids already?!" My own mother got in my face at my first baby shower when I said that it was my first child. WTF?! My daughter is my first!! I will always say she is my first! My mother has even has the audacity to tell me she is leaving PRICELESS family heirlooms to my STEP-KIDS. And if I try to voice my opinion on that, I get told I'm a monster. Like, How dare I want my own flesh and blood to have HER Great-Grandmother's jewelry? Jeez...

My step-kids are good kids, for the most part. They were dealt a really shitty hand. Sometimes I worry that their past abuse from their BM and her b/f will make them abusers. I have done so much to get them help now, while they're young, so they aren't tormented teens. I funded all the custody cases, I opened the child abuse case to get justice against the BM and her b/f. My step-kids are with their mother right now. She has them for only 18 days a year. Every day of this 18 day visitation, I have called CPS for welfare checks on the kids. Basically, for the past 4 years, my LIFE has been these step-kids. I have come to a place now where I feel like I have done all I can. I have helped my husband, emotionally and financially, win his custody battle to the point their BM is about to lose parental rights.

But, at the end of the day, I love my step-kids, but I will walk through fire for my own flesh and blood. Everyone around me makes me feel like some kind of bitch or cold-hearted monster for feeling that way, but that's just the way I am wired. My husband, especially, doesn't understand why I can't be as emotionally connected to my step-kids as I am my daughter. He doesn't understand the biological bond of a mother and child. I don't think I could even force myself to love my step-kids like I love my own. It's something chemical, a spark inside me that isn't there for them. Sometimes, I feel bad about it, but when I do try to force myself to be cuddly or really close to them, I feel fake. My mother and several others tell me if I don't love them as much as I love my own, that I should leave the relationship..