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Update on Job Interview

LRP75's picture

I want to thank everyone who sent prayers and good juju my way!

I interviewed on Tuesday and walked out feeling like I BOMBED it. I was so disappointed in my performance.

But the agency just called me to let me know that as long as my reference check out, they will be extending me a job offer! My references are all in order and have already been informed that I interviewed and might hear from the agency. They are all excited for me and told me that they will give me the best reference ever! YAY!


I am so excited and so happy!!!! YAY!!!

It is going to feel so good to have financial independence again.


arjuna79's picture

yay! way to go! stilll holding that light for you, all the way through

LRP75's picture

Yes it does!!! I left a field making a LOT of money to go into a field that I knew i wouldn't be making a lot in. However, it's enough. If I ever have to be on my own, I could make it.