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Actually enjoying weekend with the SS10?

LRP75's picture


Boy, I tell ya... there is a HUGE difference in behavior when there is just one of them in this house. Not that I like the kid just yet, but he has behaved himself ALL weekend. We have not had one problem with him. I could get used to this. Shoot, I might even start to like him if we could get more times like this.


LRP75's picture

Yeah, he even hasn't been bouncing a ball in the house and has made a very obvious effort to keep the balls outside.

I am flabbergasted.

LRP75's picture

I spoke too soon.

All day has been filled with drama over a foot that "hurts really, really bad." He's been hopping around on one foot all day and crying. The foot isn't swollen and hurts in a different spot every time he's asked where it hurts.

It's just a ploy for attention. He wants his dads undivided attention is all. I get it. Big deal. He can have it. I just wish his dad wasn't hopping all around to cater to it. What a joke.

I have ZERO tolerance for that crap. I never even played into it with my own son. I've got no time for games.

LRP75's picture

They are out there playing basketball now and he is walking, jumping and running just fine now. Hahahaa...

All f'ing day with that crap.