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A shorter update related to Mother's Day

Last-Wife's picture

My house is empty. That's my Mother's Day present. YEAH!

Just me and Gibby, my BS.

Loghead had project grad at his school, and will be home later. Lazy Boye had to be at work by 6 to help with the Mother's DAy Brunch. Princess is with her bio-mom; she said she felt obligated.

And PITA? PITA is a junior in high school. He got fed up with his mother's shit when he was in 7th grade, and started refusing to visit her. He made her miserable, and us too. This past winter, he patched things up with her! He said he was tired of feeling angry all the time, and he knew it was all because of her. So every 6 weeks or so, she comes up and they go out to dinner. Now, I'm sure she thinks this works in her benefit, because when he turns 18 in July, he gets an insurance settlement. I'm sure she sees dollar signs. I KNOW she does, because I've seen a few of the text messages she has sent him lately.

But he went to see her today. He drove Princess up there last night. They plan to be back home later today so we can all go out to dinner tonight with Grandma to celebrate Mother's Day and a cousin's graduation.

I'm really proud of the progress he has made... I can't say it always makes him nicer to be around, but it is a start.