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Not even skids week and it's sucked (long rant)

Lalena75's picture

So since Sunday we've dealt with stupid crap from both fronts (mine and SO's) First my exh; Fri exh is late getting ds, no text, no call, 15 min go by nada. Usually I text a "hey you getting kids?" but I'm really sick and tired of that so I did nothing. 30 min late nada and ds is hugging the dog mumbling his dad forgot him so SO takes him outside to play catch (ds is 12) ds says if his dad is an hour late he's not going. I hit Facebook and post a way to fail post, less than 1 min and he's on my phone screaming at me that he did not in fact forget (and yes he's blocked from my Facebook which means stalker I'm slowly weeding that down) he tries to tell me he was at work, can't use his phone seriously couldn't tell the boss you needed to make a call, quick text, hell go pee like everyone else does! Nope screaming at me works so I hang up, ds is reminded for the 3rd time to have his stuff his dad is on the way. 5 min after he squeals tires out of my drive he calls screaming again about ds's sports stuff I tell him we're 2 blocks away kiddo was reminded 3 times make him walk he calls me a POS and a piece of work, and "your something else you know that" I hang up on him(kids aren't allowed to just walk to his house without permission from him to be there mine they can come and go it's home.)
Then we went to my ds's sports game (yay sports in 100+ degrees!) It's ex's weekend so he deals with ds and uniforms ect we cheer him on sweat our butts off give kiddo his treat say good bye after the game and leave.
Exh ends up behind me passes and races off okay not a big deal but kiddo is in the car and he's driving like an ass. We like I said like 2 blocks from each other (he moved by me)so we drive the same route multiple times I end up behind him at lights he races off like an idiot. we come to a spot where there are two routes to our area I take whichever he doesn't figuring me behind him is why he's driving like that.
Kids get home later and my dd was at work and had to wait to get into her dads because they weren't back yet and tells me when he got out of the car he was ranting like a looney. ds confirms he yelled and screamed all the way home. DD says he proceeded to yell about me and call me names to MY KIDS including the C word and B word to the kids, why? Because I take up so much space in his head that my bumper sticker has enraged him and dd is not allowed to drive my car (uh hi idiot my car and I have sole legal and physical) His reason it's obscene (F word)and I put it there just to piss him off. I cracked up I couldn't stop laughing it is actually a sticker I got out of something I treasure, that my SO saved so carefully and I stuck to a bumper sticker magnet because it has history with ME, and freedom of speech means it's no different than an F cancer bumper sticker. It's even tiny 1 inch by 2 inch. But well he must assume he takes up as much space in my head as I do his. I felt bad for his gf that for near 2 hours she had to listen to him talk about me, his exw and furious he called me names and yelled at the kids. DD fought back cause she's almost an adult but wow.
Then BM lets see she in a profanity laced texts accuses me and my cousin (her neighbor) of stealing from SO and hers ds. SO asks her to clarify what she is raving about if she can do so without profanity unless she doesn't possess the capacity to less ignorant. We get no answer.
SO calls for his phone time last night 6 times she sent him to VM and ignored his texts. Then text him that she'd have them call when they got home. She didn't he called again an hour later and she hung up on him. Yay contempt. Cousin and I get to talking and sh tells me the incident with her boy playing with SO's apparently his kid asked hers if he took his bow and arrows through she and her boy watched him walk across the yard back to his house with them when he was again kicked out of their yard for not being nice. We figure he lost it and says her kid stole it, and this isn't the first time. He says things were stolen all the time when he breaks or loses them so "grandpa doesn't hit me" Now SO's son if he did lie (not sure how I stole and she called my cousin and I both the C word in her text that 2 times in one day by 2 different people for me)and says we stole I'm taking his bike away, the bike I got him and my cousin is done her dad isn't allowing either of SO's kids on his property (cousin doesn't actually live there but she helps take care of her parents) and cousin is not allowing her kids to play with them ( her son said he doesn't want to play with liars and their mean kids anyway) Cousin has seen the text and is livid. She's confronting BM. This will be interesting. We get them on Friday. I honestly hope she won't let SO talk on Thursday that'll be 5 contempt's since July and SO goes and files.
I'm so tired and it's not even skid week.