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I have to say that..these men don't deserve us...

herewegoagain's picture

they don' matter how hard we matter how miserable they have made our miserable they have made the lives of our children, their pathetic kids and them don't deserve us...they really don't...I wish I would have realized it sooner...


AlexandraL's picture

I am not with my BF anymore because of the things you described. I just wish these men who have a ton of drama would stay out of the dating pool and focus on taking care of the dysfunction in their lives before bringing someone else into their drama. If a man's life isn't ready for a relationship then the man isn't ready for a relationship...

SBMom's picture

I'm pretty sure men don't know how to take care of their own lives. They need a woman to do it for them. I look back now and see my husband could not have handled his ex without a coach (me). It's sad.

AlexandraL's picture

Yeah, my exH was living with a woman, now his wife, before the divorce was final. He told me he couldn't be alone!

queen-B's picture


AlexandraL's picture

We all like cuddling up with someone/having sex/having someone have our back/someone to share our lives with but the bullshit that comes with these men overshadows these things. I miss having a man in my life but I am a hell of a lot happier alone without someone else's drama interfering in my otherwise calm life. It shouldn't be a choice between being alone and being completely stressed the F out by a man's ex wife, mother, kids, past, etc. If it is, I prefer to be alone. The good thing about being a woman is that at least we can get our physical needs met whenever we need to, lol. I'd rather do that than struggle along in dysfunction I had no hand in creating or no chance of fixing...

Btw, I am waiting for a man without the drama that can share a future with me and if one doesn't show up, I am prepared for that. Wanting a man is different than NEEDING a man...