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"DaDa" at 81 Really???

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Ok had to share this as it is so nuts.

I was scheduling a pt today and this man is 81 years old. His adult daughter was making the appointment for him. After I gave her the date and time she turned around and asked her "DaDa," as she referred to him, if that was ok.

Are you serious???? Wow.

Adult Spousal Roles Questions

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I've seen a quote about skids being placed in adult spousal roles with their parents. Meaning a child is treated more like a spouse and authoritative figure than a child.

I have to wonder what will the parent do when these children grow up and (after attempting to sabotage all their parent's relationships) go off and find someone else to marry?

How are these children's new spouses treated? How do these children raise their own children? I wonder if there is ever any poetic justice as in these children have children that try to sabotage their marriage too?


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Last night went to the local college to check out signing up for some summer classes. Then I am going to sign up for a gym close to where I work. My bio son has been cleaning up the house and we are both trying to be "unavailable" as much as possible now. We are not there to criticize when DH gets defensive or frustrated with SS7.

Bio Parents and mental abuse

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So many articles on divorce state ways parents should co-parent after a divorce. But what if both parents are still hostile towards each other 6 years later? DH has a hard time being civil to BM of SS7 still. Where do you go and how do you get a bio parent, or both and skid into counseling??? ARGH!!!

Yes this opens the door for a whole mess of extra problems.

Plus both parents do not discipline, etc.

I looked it up and here is what the DHMH/CPS states about one form of abuse:

Can't stop crying inside....

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I'm at work and I want to cry. I haven't been sleeping lately either.

I've actually started contemplating a backup plan to be ready when I have to confront DH about his lack of parenting because he is so arrogantly defensive about his violent, moody narcissistic son (SS7). I feel like he will just turn his back on me if I dare even suggest again that we need to set some rules in our house. I feel like for every tiny thing he corrects SS7 for he lets 25 huge things go by.

DH and favoritism among his own

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So DH has grown SD from his marriage and biological 7 yr old son. After divorce had a gf and they have a 4 yr old. The 4 yr old lives with the mom and her husband and her son who is the same age as DHs son.

Now DH is all about his son. His daughter lives in another state and is supported by another man. When we first met he gave me this sob story but now it doesn't add up. I think the 4 yr olds BM is a good parent and he has to answer for his lack of parenting with her. It is so much easier with his son who's BM is a nut job. Still, it's wrong.

What's a SM to do?

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OK recently DH has been showing signs of attempting to correct his unruly 7 year old who has been able to run undisciplined for years.

The thing that gets me though is SS called kissing DH's butt because he wanted a new video game (DH buys them all the time for SS no matter how horrible he acts out). DH told him to stop "brown-nosing" jokingly. So one could surmise form this that DH recognizes SS's manipulative behavior then???

How do you know which is fact from fiction?

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BM is bipolar. She will tell DH things SS supposedly said about him. Like SS said, "You didn't feed him or make him brush his teeth."

Now obviously if SS said those things he is the liar and DH needs to get involved.

But BM could be making it up to cause drama and upset DH, which she would do. But things she has said in the past about SS have been true, so I tend to believe her.

Been catching SS lying lately, but I'm really concerned.

Sound Familiar???

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OK the stress is so bad. My chest is red from my blood pressure going through the roof lately. I've been stress eating and bit off all my long beautiful natural nails. All within a few weeks. I don't know how SMs do this for so many years without going completely insane!