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flintstonegarden's Blog

I migbt be just a little bit of a bitch.

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So as previously mentioned BM every month comes up with new demands and lists of items, money etc she wants... the most recent is the greenhouse. Yes she wants the greenhouse that is anchored to a concrete foundation! so since everyone says "kill her with kindness" my evil thought is to send home with the kids bags of fresh organic garden & greenhouse produce that i'm growing in "our" backyard... LOL

Work, Eat, Sleep, Rinse and Repeat.

flintstonegarden's picture

I work, He works, I do 80% of the house and yard work, the other 20% is divided between him and mostly my kids. He wants to enjoy his days off. I'd like to enjoy my days off but in all honesty I'm a mom/Stepmom (when do we get days off?). He wants or wants to do something and I support him. I want something the answer is "No" and if I really want it I have to find a way to get it for myself. If I want to go do something and am told to go do to but always left feeling like I have to do whatever it is by myself. Its worse when the step kids are with us.

They Listened!

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Yay, they are finally listening and being cooperative just in time to go back to BM's house, wait 7 days and We're back to square one spending 5 days getting them back into routine followed by 2 great days, rinse and repeat....

Evil Stepmom at your service.

flintstonegarden's picture

Why can't they leave the stuff that isn't their alone? My kids have been raised in an environment where if its not yours you don't play with it. His kids have not been raised with the same rule or respect but by god if someone touches there stuff call the national guard!!! I am not by ANY means rich. I cant afford to replace everything that gets wrecked. I was raised that you take care of the things you have so that when you need it you have it.

Last Day of School

flintstonegarden's picture

Today is the last day of school for our kids. Unfortunately the are divided between two elementary schools. Mine let us know they had award assemblies. His said they didn't. I am really hoping for his sake that was the case otherwise he may have BM text ripping him again. He spoke to his lawyer yesterday regarding their divorce and all her demands for the assets but essentially refusing to take any of the debt....

Another Day.

flintstonegarden's picture

With everything going on between him and his ex and the new challenges of being a step parent I've decided to take a step back. I no longer want to see or hear anything about his ex (I want to stay out of it). As a step parent I read an article by focus on the family about the different roles of the step parent (the babysitter, the aunt/uncle, the friend, and the parent) and how relationship between step parent and step child builds and changes over time. So after this I am also taking a step back from being the step parent.

Tired of the fighting

flintstonegarden's picture

I am so tired of my spouse and his ex. I just want it all finished and done with. They've been separated over a year and just settle child custody agreement. But all I ever hear is she wants she wants she wants.... I'm to the point where when it comes to the material stuff just let her have it. Its not worth fighting for and eventually (not right away) we can replace it all. I am so tired of her complaining that I'm rude and not polite when all I try to do is be nice. I even get her kids to make her gifts for Christmas etc. I am just so tired of it all.

to ignore or not to ignore.

flintstonegarden's picture

I love all my kids (step kids and biological). My youngest stepson is allergic to eggs and nuts. When I met my spouse literally 6 meals were being made every day. One that was safe for the youngest to eat and one that everyone else ate. I felt so bad for the youngest having to watch everyone else eat things like pizza, cake, burgers etc while he literally ate the same handful of meals day in, day out. Oatmeal, mac n cheese, chicken, fish, rice and of course fruits and veggies. When I moved in this all changed. gone are the days of making two meals at each meals time.

New to this site.

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Everything was going great; kids got a long, treated the new step parents with respect etc..... now my step sons won't listen to me, refuse to help when asked and after a month of this behaviour my kids are now starting to treat their step dad the same way. We've been a blended family for 10mths. My ex and I get along and are still good friends, separated for 7yrs. My new spouse can't say the same about his relationship with his ex (separated 20months).
