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I don't want to kiss your sick child.

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

DH drives me nutts.

SD is really sick. And she slept for a few hours today. When she got up, she was whiny and she wanted to be all lovey dovey. Of course DH smothers her in love when she wants it. And the sd will walk over to me and try to give me a kiss.

I kindly said "no thank you". I didn't really know what to say, that just popped into my head. I said, "you're sick right now and I don't want to catch it so you shouldn't be kissing anyone till you feel better".

DH gave me a MASSIVE eye roll.
"You couldn't just show her some love?"

Seriously? I told him how it's pretty dangerous to be around sick kids when you're pregnant. Maybe if I weren't pregnant...but still. She needs to learn that when you're sick, you stick to yourself. Not put your slimy germs all over other people!
He told me I was being ridiculous and dramatic!!

For the last hour I have had a cough. And I really want to punch him in the face now.
Just because I didn't kiss your daughter doesn't mean I don't like her or love her. He gets so defensive and personal when it comes to her.

He went to the store and left sd with me at home. Before he left he was like "can you do something with her? Bond".

We don't need to bond. We are fine. Our relationship is fine. She's just sick right now so I don't want to be around her. We're all in the same room. She's on one side of the couch and I'm on the other. We talk. I took out some things for her to color. (Which reminds me I need to Lysol all the markers).

I hate when DH acts like this.


WTF...REALLY's picture

Yup...he is being an idiot. Your pregnant....this means no kissing sick people. Kind of common sense. Duhhhhhhh dh.

Frustr8d1's picture

Oh hell no! When I was pregnant, SD got me so sick that I ended up bedridden for a month. It was so miserable and I couldn't help feeling so resentful that SD was in our house full time with her nasty dirty habits and bad hygiene. Especially while I was sick and pregnant, I just couldn't even imagine trying to fake "lovey kissy" with SD. Ewww.

BTW, when I was a kid, my own biomom would avoid us kids when we were sick! It's common sense if you don't want to contract a sickness!

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

I do. And sometimes I actually get somewhere with him and sometimes he just thinks I'm overreacting, or moody, or dramatic/bratty.

We've actually been pretty good. And even today wasn't so bad except this (the bond with her comment, and getting defensive cause I didn't "show love").

And I'm dramatic

Gabriels Mom's picture

Seriously? I tell my own bio not to kiss anyone when he's sick. I also don't let him get in anyone's face either. My kids don't get sick often though. I am always spraying stuff down with Lysol and making them wash their hands.