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We are not a TEAM

Dolphin's picture

Hello step talk! I am excited to be joining the group! I daily read the post on this page and I finally decided to post. So a little about me.... Have an awesome boyfriend that treats me very well... He has one daughter that is 10... He has 50/50 custody... Here is the issue.. I have no kids just a dog that I absolutely adore. We have been together for 5 years and we have combined our finances. I have no issue helping him pay for things for his daughter ... My issue comes when I feel as the financial obligations reside with me and not her mother... Her mother is quick to say she can afford stuff ....basic crap that a child needs to live... In the same conversation she will tell him she is talking stbSD to get her hair done or she going to buy her $90 tennis shoes... I think she is either full of crap about being broke or she knows how my bf is....that he won't argue with her. My bf and his ex wife makes decisions but I'm stuck paying for them... He always says "well you know she's not gonna pay... If stbSD is gonna have this we got to get it". We get in CONSTANT arguments regarding his ex wife not paying for stuff. I love him and we are planning to get married soon... I need help step talk'


Dolphin's picture

He would say he is... That his ex is not paying and that "we need to do the right thing for the child". He is a good father but he can't afford everything by himself. I feel bad for his child but I don't want to pay for everything either specially when her mother isn't contributing. He really is a good guy, he is just trying to support his daughter. I just want him to put more pressure on his ex to pay up and stop getting mad at me when she doesn't and I don't want to either... Sorry babbling lol

Disneyfan's picture

I read this twice and still can't figure out what makes this guy awesome. :?

Stop spending your money on his kid.

Please stop falling for the I can't afford it line of BS.

What would he do if you were not in the picture?

twoviewpoints's picture

So I'm assuming with the 50/50 there is no CS? $90 tennis shoes is not out of line if her parents want to spend that much and can afford it. Problem is, you're the one getting the bill. With no CS both houses should be paying for what each household needs in the individual homes. Clothes at both homes, paid for by each parent. Maybe take turns with haircuts.

These parents have to figure out how they are going to equally share the cost of raising their child. It would not be unrealistic to assume if Dad's income is twice the amount of BM's, Dad pays for a bit more. Things like who is providing health insurance and paying any co-pays and left over not paid by insurance should all be taken into consideration.

What should not be taken into consideration and/or a part of any of it is your income. Separate your finances now. Work your household budget so that household bills are evenly or by % divided between BF and you. In this household expense thing, think of it no different than you would a causal room mate. You wouldn't pay for a room mate's kid to have tennis shoes or haircuts and your individual income should not be going towards your live-in BF's either. Not even when you're married. Two people are responsible for this child. BM and BF.

There is nothing 'wonderful' about a man who let's (even expects) his GF/DW to support his child. Nothing 'wonderful' about two parents deciding GF's or DW's income will pay for things the two of them desire their child to have. Think about it. The only difference right now between the government handing these parents taxpayer hand-outs or you doing it in place of the government is zero. These parents have to live within their means. Your pocketbook is not meant to supplement their desires to have and ability to live outside their means. Two able bodied parents who work and earn their potential should not be collecting 'free' handouts at cost of a third person aka you.

Dolphin's picture

I see what you guys are saying and if I was not in the picture either his ex would step up or the child would go without. I could separate the finances and force him to pay for all his daughter stuff on his own but honesty I think that would do more harm to the relationship then good. We are good together and I want to be with him. I just want her mother to help more financially so I don't feel like I'm being dumped on when I'm not the parent

Sunflower1's picture


Disneyfan's picture

I find it interesting that you keep saying you want BM to pay more ir that if you weren't there, BM would be forced to pay more.

Not once do you say dad should have to or would be forced to pay more.

This man is using you. If you have to keep spending money in order to keep this guy, then you have major problems. That means he's only with you for the money and not because he loves you.

Real men don't sponge off of women.

twoviewpoints's picture

Why would this lady negotiate her personal income? If these parent's kid needs braces, parents figure out without any contributions coming from OP. If kid needs school supplies I won't give a rat's behind if BM paid, Dad used his personal money or the two of them both pled poor...neither one of these parents should be expecting and/or even asking OP for zip.

I agree Dad needs to find a way to work out fairness and expectations with the BM. But absolutely not with the idea of 'BF if you try this and this than I will help pay too'...BS on that noise. JMO. That little scenario would only 'work' (if you call it that :? ) up until OP wants to use your spare income instead to purchase a vehicle or splurge on a new work wardrobe or finds herself perhaps having a baby herself to support blah blah blah. There isn't three parents here, there's two. Why should OP promise to commit her personal money just because BF found his balls to work with BM.

twoviewpoints's picture

I do 'get' what you're saying, but there's still a huge hole in what BM/BF can afford and live within their means. With OP saying she will definitely commit after parents decide a spilt, OP is going to feel obligated to follow through with it. It would be much more sensible to allow BM/BF to learn as parents they can only afford to do x and x. If BM/BF can't afford X and X even after deciding how the cost should be split, then they either need to downsize their taste and desires or both BM/BF raise their incomes to accommodate there desired lifestyle for their daughter.

If OP got ran over by a bus tomorrow, there would be no OP income to supplement the parents. If she lost her job tomorrow and only had temporary unemployment as income, it sets BM/BF up for not getting the said committed share the OP agreed to pay.

I'm not going to encourage this lady to set herself up for a world of hurt and resentment heading into her marriage with a guy that is clearly sponging off her and increasing BF/BM/SD's lifestyle solely because these parents feel a need for little princess to have the best of the best. She's a big girl now, the OP, but as pointed out above, all we've heard is how to make BM step-up. No word on BF now or ever increasing his ability to step-up. Pretty sh*tty of a guy to request/demand his ex-wife step up and pay her share when BF is hiding behind OP's income supplemental. Trust me, even if BM starts stepping up some on BM's part, the resentment of OP still having to promise and commit her self income is going to continue to will just turn direction as to who the resentment is focused at.

Disneyfan's picture

She's AFRAID not to help. That could mean the end of her relationship.

Sorry, but I think it's crazy to give someone tips on how to continue allowing someone to use you. :?

Disneyfan's picture


Bojangles's picture

This is one of those situations where gender seems to make a difference. If OP were a man with a good income it wouldn't seem unusual for him to play the part of provider and help his partner with some of the expenses of his stepchild, without his partner being accused of being a leech. When it's a woman everyone leaps to assume she's being deliberately used and exploited by her partner and is a complete fool. I think there can be more subtlety to the situation than that.

Let's assume for a moment that her SO loves her and is generally a kind and considerate partner, with the usual Achilles heel of a man with children - his sense of fairness and what is reasonable with regard to his daughter and ex is distorted by paranoia and guilt. Now this man does not have bad intentions, but it's going to be very difficult to change his thinking and behaviour, because that guilt and paranoia is a strong force. He probably feels he cannot make BM do anything, and like a lot of men tries not to poke the hornets nest. He just wants a quiet life. It's going to be very hard for the OP to make her SO make BM do anything - that's 2 layers of resistence. And that's the crux of the issue.

The only practical solution and the one which will cause the least friction in their relationship in the long run (even if it causes a bit of friction in the short term) is to separate their disposable income, so that bills and mutual expenses are dealt with from a combined pot, but both parties have separate accounts for their remaining income. That's a fair and reasonable solution, and although SO may initially be taken aback and offended by the change, if the OP is calm and pleasant about it and presents it as the best solution for reducing tension over money for them both, he will come around. If he's the nice guy I've assumed above. The OP may chose to buy things for SD, pay for treats and outings if she wishes, and that's a lovely thing to do, and she might want to reassure SO on that score if she is happy to do that as it will soften the blow.. The key difference is that it will be her choice, and it will be clear that that is an optional act of support and generosity on her part, and not an obligation or expectation, and she will not feel she is personally subsidising BM. Meanwhile SO is free to make foolish decisions about SD's expenses without OP having to worry about it, and without him feeling she is on his back 'being negative' (sarcastic face - I never realised how 'negative' I was until I became a stepparent, it's amazing how negative you become when you disagree with a misguided bioparent!) - but I digress, anyway that's my take on it.

Dolphin's picture

I agree with a lot of your comments. I completely agree that I shouldn't have to help.. she has two able body parents who should be able to tackle her expenses on their own. My BF is a good guy and like Bojangles said his Achilles heel is his daughter and BM knows that. He just doesn't want her to go without or be in the middle of a finance argument with him and BM. I get that... I want her to do extra curricular activities which I help him pay for because if I didn't she would do ANYTHING! I would feel guilty to see her suffer like that... maybe I shouldn't if her mother doesn't. I just want BM to pay for basics at her home like underwear and socks. She should help pay half of the school supplies. I don't want to help pay for items that I feel as a parent she should pay for. FYI They have 50/50 custody with no child support awarded because BF has overpaid child support quite a bit.

Thinking back I probably should not have combined the finances as soon as I did. We truly have a good relationship beyond this issue. Part of the reason I love him is because he is a good dad and I didn't have that growing up. But I think you guys are right I need to take the step of dividing our finances. That way he can supplement crap at BM house if he wants. I don't think he will intentionally try to be an a$$ about it, but I am sure he wont be happy because if I stop helping his daughter will definitely suffer. Thank you all for your advice it has definitely helped!!

Bojangles's picture

I thought about what I would say if I were in your position, here it is if it's any use to you:

Look, we have tried merged finances and its not working, it causes more arguments and problems than it solves, and I don't want to be arguing about money. I love you, I've always been generous with SD, but we're not even married yet and you're acting like it's my obligation to combine finances and contribute to all SD's costs.

Fundamentally we don't agree about your decision to subsidise BM by paying for more than your fair share of SD's expenses. You don't want me telling you what you can and can't spend on SD, and I don't want you telling me I have to help to pay for things for SD because you don't want to get a contribution from BM. So the only sensible thing to do is agree to disagree and go back to having our own accounts which we manage as we choose. I'm not saying I won't ever pay for anything for SD again, I'm saying that that I have the right to choose when and if my money is spent on your daughter.