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Last Week

Cover1W's picture

Last week before school starts. SDs arrive tomorrow. SD11 will be going to mide school near us, with a bus stop just down the street. SD9 will be at her usual school a ways away. And me? I am done helping!!! I finished SD11 dresser she was supposed to be repainting (I think she was angling for a new one instead...cut that one off at the knees!). I still haven't washed their sheets (this is up to DP) since May. I didn't buy any SD friendly food at store yesterday. I will not drive SD9 to school unless there is a legitimate need, not just because DP doesn't feel like it. I will not help with SD11 school commute since there is a school bus and DP is supposed to figure it out.
I will help with school shopping (they need dressing room help now that they want to try things on and SD11 needs new bras) but will not pay a dime for it.

I am on the deck with a glass of wine and completely relaxed.