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F off Friday - SO invited BM1 to our intimate family dinner for his 50th bday!!!!

CBCharlotte's picture


I am SO PISSED and frustrated and hurt by SO. Things have been great with us, for the most part. We've been together 3.5 years almost, and he bought my engagement ring last Friday (I know because he told me and I had to go in and get sized). He's been very excited, talking about getting married, etc nonstop since then.

Backstory, BM1 lives about 20 minutes from us with SD14 and SD11, who we have one day a week for dinner, and EOW as well as school functions etc. BM1 is not crazy AT ALL. I actually have a lot of respect for her and we get along great. I have spent kids' family dinners with her and her parents (SO's ex-in-laws) many times. BM1 and I text (about the kids, or sometimes a recipe or something) or email and have never had a fight or any discomfort of any kind.

THAT BEING SAID I still like our separation. She does not insert herself into our lives AT ALL. She is reasonable, respectful, and truly puts the kids first at all times. She discusses any major decisions (like signing the kids up for activities) and any expenses with SO ahead of time. I know it sounds like I'm bragging, but we truly couldn't ask for a better BM.

Then last night, we were at her house to pick up and drop of the skids for our dinner. We always go in for a bit and chit chat. After dinner, we went in to chat because I wanted to take the girls 2 nights next week....Wednesday is SO's 50th birthday, and Thursday is our normal dinner night. BM1 specifically asked us to take SD14 and SD11 to dinner, then her acting class and entertain them until after class as she is hosting a charity event that day, which we agreed to. I wanted to ask for another day, which BM1 happily agreed to.

Then SO opens his BIG MOUTH and says "BM1, why don't you come to my birthday dinner! You were with me for my 30th and 40th, you should be there for my 50th!" I stare at him with my eyes bugging out of my head. They have been divorced nearly 10 years, wtf.

I can tell that BM feels awkward and she looks at me and is like "Oh um, yea, I could come, um I could drive the kids there I guess" I could tell she thought it was weird too. So I just put on a fake smile and was like "Perfect, I'll include you in the reservation and I'll text you the details"

When we got in the car, SO saw my face and was like "What? Are you mad?" Convo went something like this

Me: "YES I'm mad. Why the F would you invite your ex-wife to our family dinner!"
SO: "Sorry, I didn't think it was an issue, I felt bad"
Me: "Felt bad WHY?"
SO: "Because we were talking about dinner plans right in front of her"
Me: "We do that every week when we take the kids to dinner and decide where to go, it is not an issue, and I highly doubt she expected to be invited or even wanted to be"
SO: "Well it's a family dinner so I thought I should invite her"
SO: "Well she's the girls' mom so she is family"
ME: "NO SHE IS NOT! She is the girls' mother. She is THEIR family, not yours. I am going to be in your family. The girls are your family. Your mother, who will be visiting us from England during that time, is your family. YOUR EX-WIFE IS NOT YOUR FAMILY"
SO: "Well her and my mother get along really well so she should come"
ME: "GREAT so your mother can spend the whole time talking to her, and comparing us" (I've only met his mother once this summer, when she visited from England. I was only with her for 3 days)
SO: "Whatever fine, I will text her and uninvite her"
ME: "No, that would make it worse. I don't want drama with her, I just want you to know how I feel. And I'm hurt and upset and pissed"
SO: "Well how about this? Who's birthday is it! I should get to spend it with who I want!"
ME: "WTF?!?!?!?!!!!! If your EX WIFE is who you want to spend your 50th birthday with, you can certainly spend it with her! ALONE!!!"
SO: "I thought you didn't want drama? I statement like that is drama!"

When we got home, I stormed out to the grocery store and then angrily texted my girlfriends about needing a drink, but the two I texted weren't available. Then I went to bed at 9:30pm so I wouldn't have to look at him. He made no effort to hug me, say sorry, talk to me, nothing. Just came in and went on his side of the bed later that night and went to sleep.

We talked about it this morning and he said sorry. I get where he's coming from, feeling bad that she's left out, but I really don't care. She doesn't need to be included. He understands that this is nothing against her as a person, I like her, but now I have to censor myself (can't make a lovey-dovey toast) and even worse, hear stories about his 30th and 40th birthdays from when they were married. When we are with the kids, he is constantly telling stories about when they did this, or that, or were living here, or your mom (BM1) didn't like vegetables until she was 30 etc etc etc.

Instead of talking about the present and building OUR relationship, we are living in the past with the skids. It bothers me sometimes, even though I try not to let it.

I'm hoping BM1 will realize how weird and uncomfortable the situation is and make up an excuse not to come to dinner. She is smart and pretty saavy, so we'll see. SO knows it was wrong. I'm having a 50th birthday party for him next weekend and I invited BM1 and her parents (it is a casual affair with a mix of friends, family, work colleagues etc). He claims he didn't know this, even though I told him I invited her at least 3 times. Hopefully she realizes the party is enough and doesn't come to both.

Sorry for the long run on rant...


CBCharlotte's picture

It is creepy! That is the exact word I used this morning. "BM1 is NOT family. I view her as a very very distant aunt. I don't mind her at some events, I respect her as a person and a mother, but she is NOT my family or our family."

DaizyDuke's picture

Ok I was kind of on your SO's side of this simply because you all seem to have a great relationship with BM. So it probably never crossed his mind that inviting her would be bothersome to you. That is until he said this "Well how about this? Who's birthday is it! I should get to spend it with who I want!"

Hell no.

Maybe BM won't come? Maybe she just said yes, because she felt put on the spot? Gosh, why would she WANT to go?? I loved my ExH family, am friends with them on FB, hugs and kisses whenever we run into each other, etc BUT I would NEVER go out to dinner with all of them and ExH and his GF. It would just be awkward.. and dumb.

CBCharlotte's picture

Yes! I have gone out to dinner with her quite a few times, even sometimes with her parents, but ONLY when it involves the kids. SD14's 14th birthday, SD11s elementary school graduation..... NOT HIS SPECIAL DAYS.

I like her, I like her parents, but COME ON

DaizyDuke's picture

Agreed... if both parents want to go to dinner to celebrate a skid event, or both parents want to be at the same party to celebrate skid event... THAT is understandable (if everyone has a decent relationship) NOTE: this would NEVER happen in my world because I refuse to be within a 100 mile radius of BM, I'd knock her teeth down her throat if I had to sit across from her at the dinner table!

But to invite BM to celebrate your SO's birthday? What is the point of that? That is weird and dumb. But men are dumb sooooo.

Ljcapp1's picture

SO:Well how about this? Who's birthday is it! I should get to spend it with who I want!"
ME: "WTF?!?!?!?!!!!! If your EX WIFE is who you want to spend your 50th birthday with, you can certainly spend it with her! ALONE!!!"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ASSHOLE!!! Stupid Fucking Man.

Why can't they leave their ex-wives in the past???

I do have to say I'm jealous of your relationship with BM. I tried with Sasquatch to no avail.

Tuff Noogies's picture

"family" my ass.

my MIL screamed those very words at my dh in regards to dumbass- "SHE IS FAMILY AND SHE WILL ALWAYS BE FAMILY". fuck that, she can have her. havent spoke to the bitch since.

ur dh needs to get his head out of his ass.

however, since you were the one offering to text her details and you seem to be on decent terms, maybe you could remedy the situation with a phone call? maybe you both can acknowledge dh's awkwardness-inducing brain fart (i'm sure she's seen plenty of them through the years) and a mutual desire for all to feel comfortable, and say something like "well here are the details i promised, just let me know how you decide you want to handle this so i can make arrangements." she may decide to pop in to drop off skids then graciously excuse herself for other plans....

AllySkoo's picture

Gah! Your DH was being an idiot. And that reads to me like he KNEW he was being an idiot and tried to cover it up by making it out like you were being selfish. (Gaslighting!)

I work in tech, and I like to tell my customers that all things are possible - but how much are you willing to pay? So yeah, sure, you can have "who you want" at your birthday. Now think about the COST - your fiance's hurt feelings, a fight with her, possibly damaging the working relationship you two have with BM. Is it worth it? Just to have her to dinner? Because if it's worth it then SURE, defend yourself. On the other hand if he decides it's not worth it (which it damn well shouldn't be) then he needs to FIX IT and kiss your ass for the next week or so to make it up to you!

CBCharlotte's picture

Oh yes that is his MO. Try and twist it around on me when he messes up. Luckily I got wise to it and don't tolerate it.

CBCharlotte's picture

Yea she really seemed uncomfortable and put on the spot. I may do the text someone else suggested saying "Oh sorry SO didn't realize you were coming to the party so we completely understand if you can't make it to dinner!"

hereiam's picture

Why would he feel bad about talking about dinner plans in front of her? Why should she be there for his 50th just because she was there for his 30th and 40th? She's is EX wife.

And he considers her his family? He thinks she should be there because she gets along with his mother? What is wrong with this guy?

He either needs to fix this, without making you look bad, or I wouldn't go. Seriously, because if he doesn't fix it, I wouldn't care if I looked bad for not going.

It's crap like this that makes me glad that my DH cannot stand BM.