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Does he buy in to her crap?

BSgoinon's picture

I always wonder. Does SS believe BM's shitty excuses? Or is he as smart as I hope he is and KNOWS that she is just a waste?

Saturday SS had a baseball game. BM just didn't show up. No call, no text, no excuse. Just a no show. Tuesday she picked him up from school. Wanted to keep him until 7, DH informed her (she has access to his schedule, but doesn't bother to look) that SS has a baseball game, she can keep him until 5 but he needs to be home to eat, do homework and change for his game. She says fine, she will drop him at 5... she dropped him at 430. I was pulling in to our neighborhood as she was pulling out. She didn't turn toward her house, she turned toward meth mans house. Then... no show to his game at 730. No call, no text... just NO SHOW. The next morning at 6 am she texts SS:

-I am so sorry, I went home and fell asleep and just now woke up. I didn't mean to miss your game
-It's ok
-I love you soooooooooooo much
-I love you too so much

He was texting her when I walked in his room to say goodbye before I left for work. I could tell right then that something was wrong, I had that feeling in my gut that he was chatting with her. He seemed, not himself in that moment. Sure enough.. when I checked his phone that evening, that is what he was doing.

I took a peak at her FB page to see what she was REALLY up to. Most times when it comes to SS she will post on her FB whatever lie she told us, so that people will back her story, so I don't know why I bothered... but... she says "I just slept 13 hours. Missed my sons game. I must have needed it, I haven't been feeling well". She never posts any of the other times she has missed his games (which is ALL of the time). Then she posts about her text conversation with him...
One thing that makes me smile in life is when I text SS "I love you sooooooo much" and he replies "I love you too so much".

That just made me want to barf. He DOES love you soooo much, dumbass, so BE THERE FOR HIM!!! I hope he is smart enough to see through her lies. She is constantly letting him down. It is so sad.


WalkOnBy's picture

hard to say if he can see through it now. I mean, he's a kid and he loves his mom.

I am hoping that he sees all - the way life is with you guys and the way life is with her - and makes his own decisions. The critical analysis he will do when he's older Smile

I think he "gets" it. I think he does love her. I think he may not want to believe what he likely thinks she is, and so he works really hard at distracting himself from accepting that??

I have said this a thousand times, BS. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that kid has you in his life.

BSgoinon's picture

Yeah, I think you are right about him "getting it", and I know he loves her. We always give him the option of seeing her. If he flat out didn't love her, he would say NO.

I am SOOOO glad I have this kid in my life. He really is a blessing.

WalkOnBy's picture

right - if he truly was "done" with her and her bullshit, he would just not talk to her or see her. The fact that he sometimes does ignore her and other times texts back that he loves her, too, makes me think he is very unsure of how he feels and that, like most kids his age, his feelings go back and forth.

If I had to make a prediction, I would say that he struggles with this for a few more years, but by the time he's a sophomore in high school, he will be done with her, if she continues on this path.

BSgoinon's picture

He is 12. We have been dealing with this crap from her for almost 2 years. She has always been a pain in the ass, but the drugs took over about 2 years ago. She used to be somewhat involved. I mean, she's always been lazy so she didn't come to ALL of his games. But she would show up to a majority of his local games, and a few of his travel games. Now she comes to nothing. Doesn't have a clue about ANYTHING he has going on in his life. It's been sad to watch.

Tuff Noogies's picture

nah i dont think he buys into her BS excuses. i do think he intentionally blocks out the fact that they are BS excuses, just as a self-protective thing.

at 13, lurch used to soften the blow for himself by using phrases like "she's not in a 'good place' right now." he's grow up alot since then - he loves her, but he's able to be blunt about who/what his mother is. just the other day he told me "i heard she's supposedly doing better, but if she's still staying down XYZ road that's not good cuz there's a lot of meth houses over there."

people like these women make me sick, putting on the "im a great mom, my kids adore me" act, but we know the truth. yuck.

BSgoinon's picture

Makes me sick too. She changed her phone number AT LEAST once a month. Every time she sees SS she is sure to put her new number in his phone and saves the contact as "MOM *HEART*" Barf... like SS would ACTUALLY put a heart next to anyone's name in his phone unless it was a girlfriend. **eyeroll**

BSgoinon's picture

It absolutely doesn't bother me that they love each other. And it doesn't bother me that they text it. He better love her, that's his mom and I raised him better than to not.

My point was, her lies about why she misses his games. I just wonder if he still believes her. That's all.

ESMOD's picture

Both my Skids are adult now (22 and 18) both girls know that their mother has some serious flaws (to put a kind spin on it). In fact, they will even joke about her problems. However, they still love their mom and don't want anyone else to say bad stuff about her.

So, yes, they will know their mom is a POS, but they will love her anyway.