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ally-bamagrl's Blog

BM sucks at life so its our fault?!

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Lol ok so BM SUCKS at communication. She never tells us anything about SS (such as what school he is going to, who his doctor is, when he has appointments for therapy (that he doesn't need), and so on). All of these things are laid out in the divorce decree as what they HAVE to talk about. BM emails and says "your lack of communication is ridiculous. You don't know anything that goes on because you will not talk to me. There are somethings that have to be discussed IN PERSON and you refuse to meet with me to talk about anything.

"Proper verification"

ally-bamagrl's picture

Ok. BM has sent a receipt that came from a counseling session for SS9. However, there is no superbill or anything that proves that this expense was for SS9. It is literally just a copy of a credit card payment receipt that the office gave her. We know you can request a superbill as we have done this to prove that the expense was for the child. We have asked BM not once but twice now to provide a copy of the superbill as a "receipt" doesn't show it was for the child. Is that too much to ask??

Why you got to be so rude...

ally-bamagrl's picture

I am taking a poll.....

When dealing with visitation and the custodial parent's family who's responsibility is it to inform of what the orders actually read as far as visitation goes?
A. The CP should inform their family of the times the NCP will have the kid and the NCP tell their family when CP has the kid.
B. The NCP should inform both the CPs family and their own as to when their time is with the kid
C. The CP should inform both their family and the NCPs family
D. None of the above