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MdMom's Blog

SD's first day of PreSchool

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SD's first day of PreSchool was great. I started off irritated, cause BM had told FDH that she wanted SD the morning of, to get her ready and blah. So I was a little upset about that, but got over it quickly. I was mainly upset because we talked to herthe day before and she agreed to meeting us at the Church the preschool was at, but of course things change with BM faster than I can change a dirty diaper.

Frustrations of being a SM...

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I'm tired of the games, BM has wore me down!!
Every Summer for the last THREE (3) years BM changes SD's Schedule at LEAST twice a month. The first year, I was alright SD was just a baby (8mo) and she was the only Child in both households. So the Schedule changes didn't matter to me that much... Also it was a new relationship with FDH and I (though we have grown up together)

Frustrations of being a SM...

MdMom's picture

I'm tired of the games, BM has wore me down!!
Every Summer for the last THREE (3) years BM changes SD's Schedule at LEAST twice a month. The first year, I was alright SD was just a baby (8mo) and she was the only Child in both households. So the Schedule changes didn't matter to me that much... Also it was a new relationship with FDH and I (though we have grown up together)

The attitude talk... how it went.

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A few days ago I posted on ggeneral discussion forum about SD3's attitude. Here's the link if you didn'tread it and would like to ccatch up...

I talked to FDH about how he handles it vs how I handle it... Let'sjust say iit didn't go over too well. Rather than hearing me out about if we don't nip this in the butt and show SD that its not okay to talk to adults the way she has he made excuses for her... 'It's just a phase.' 'She's only 3.'... Blah blah blah.

It's a Boy!!

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After having two beautiful baby girls and a SD I am relieved to find out that FDH and I are expecting a bouncing baby BOY!! I'm just so excited to have a little man around the house. I know DDs will love their new baby brother (they're really too little right now to know the gender difference) SD already has a half brother, and from what I have been told by BM, SD doesn'tcare for him much. When i asked SD if she'd like another brother or sister her response 'I want a sister, cause boys are gross.' Lol

Life is Good... no, life is GRAND!

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These past two weeks have WONDERFUL!!

I started potty training DD18mo, about two weeks ago because I was tired of changing diapers, and I wanted her potty trained before we had baby #3 comes. Because changing two pairs of diapers is no fun... Hell changing one baby's diaper is no fun. Needless to say DD is successfully potty trained!!! YAY!!!

FDH and my counseling has been going GREAT!!

FDH *vent*

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Let me start by saying I truly love my FDH. We have known each other since I can remember. He has a beautiful 3 yo ddaughter that I love to death, and a b!tch of an ex wife. Who cheated on him with one of his then best friends. Granted the relationship was toxic and he was anything but a perfect gentleman. They fought all the time, why they brought a child into the marriage I will never understand.
