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BM violent towards my skids

hunibuniboo1001's picture

Today was a shock as me and my partner had his 2 sons in the car and one hit the other and we told him off and he said but mummy does it.... we then found out that when they are both brushing their teeth in the morning before school if they don't hurry up their mum slaps them across the face and this has been going on for weeks!
We have called the police and they are sending social services round to interview the children. Does anyone know what kind of outcome we should expect ? At the moment my partner and the ex have shared custody.

hunibuniboo1001's picture

We are in the uk. She's abusing the children I'm sure social services can't just leave this and the kids aren't lying one of them is usually manipulated by the mum but was in tears admitting it too

hunibuniboo1001's picture

Believing them or not is not an issue we know this is going on but not sure of the outcome once social services have interviewed

twoviewpoints's picture

At this point, social services will look into the claim. No one can tell you what the outcome will be. Who knows what the caseworker will find. You've reported slaps across the face. Ok, but once the boys are interviewed and the home visit with the BM (and perhaps even Dad's home looked into) will the agency have any clue what , if any, actual abuse/threats these children are under.

Go look at your country/area online site on the reporting of and procedure of any things and level of findings.

What are you hoping to expect the outcome is?

Powerfamily's picture

You can expect nothing. It would take a lot more then that for Social Services to be involved.

It is not against the law to smack a child here in the UK. I doubt very much that SS would even visit, let alone remove the children.

SM12's picture

I doubt anything will happen unless there is physical evidence of abuse.

When my BS was young, around 5-6 years old, he used to tell people that I choked him. He said this in front of my BM and her friends. Now luckily, I don't think any of them believed him but still. Then one day I happened to be around my BM and her friends. BS was sitting on my lap and we were joking around. I had my hands on the arms of the chair I was sitting on when suddenly BS starts yelling, "she's choking me...she's choking me!!" Clearly I was NOT choking him and everyone could see that.

Luckily that cleared up any question in their mind as to whether I actually choked him or not.
I did have a very long and serious chat with BS about making comments like that and how it can get someone in trouble when he was just playing.

Not saying your Skids are lying, I am just saying there needs to be proof before social services will make any moves.

hunibuniboo1001's picture

Well so far social services have taken it seriously and don't want the boys in her care at the moment...

hunibuniboo1001's picture

Well so far social services have taken it seriously and don't want the boys in her care at the moment...

Rags's picture

That is great news. In the US it is highly unlikely that anything less than hospitalization for an abuse related injury would result in any action by CPS.