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Major Depression Caused by StepCHild

bigbird12's picture

Hi , I am new here and I need Help immediately. Any advice would be so helpful.
I don't know the correct code names for things yet , so bare with me. I currently have a 14 yr old daughter who is well behaved and her father is not in the picture. So no issues there. I now have a 4 month old daughter with a man who is now living in my home. I placed him on my deed in case something ever happened to me. My children would get "our" home. The issue is , he has a 6 yr old son who has behavior issues and goes to a school for problem children. The BM has said the nastiest things about me to him, so when i try to speak to him , he says his mother tells him he doesn't have to talk to me. He also screams and cries and has outburts. I am so afraid of leaving him around my 4 month old. Another back story of the BM is she has stalked me for years. When my daughter was born , she broke into mine/daughter hospital records. She's a phlebotomist at this hospital. They caught her and she was fired. She tried to lie about it but we were notified because of HIPPA law. The hospital sent us a letter to inform us of what happened. When my "stepson" is at our house every other weekend , my "DH" and I fight non stop. We are to the point we can't even live together even thou he told me i could stay home with our child , i got a part time job. He is now trying to say hes moving out and for me to pay my own mortgage. Last weekend i caught his son beating and kicking my dog. I flipped out and yelled at him and told him i was telling his father. Well my "DH" started yelling at me and called the cops on me. Now DSS is investigating me and my parenting. I hate him so much now.. I want to die.I really want to kill myself because i have done nothing but try and be the best "step parent" i can despite all the awful things that get said and done to me. Please help me ! I love my girls sooooo much. But i want to die! I have been dealing with this for 5 years now and my relationship is over because of his son. I have so much more to say about this but i need help now. Thank you!

notarelative's picture

I now have a 4 month old daughter with a man who is now living in my home. I placed him on my deed in case something ever happened to me. My children would get "our" home.

You need to see a lawyer NOW.
Putting his name on the deed may not do what you think it would. Laws are different in different places, here it would not.
See a lawyer now about this. You may have just given him half of your home if you split up.

Get yourself some counseling. There are lots of issues in your post that you could deal with in counseling. The issues are far too complicated to deal with on an internet forum (in my opinion).

bigbird12's picture

thank you for the comment. I have called a hotline and they arent much help. I sound so crazy right now but i think this entire thing has gone too far bc he cant handle his own child. And now when i step in , i am a mean and horrible person. The weekend before this one, he was up screaming until 2 am and woke the baby several times. My spouse didnt say a word to him so i asked him politly to keep it down, that started an argument of " all i do is take care of a baby and work 15hrs a week" , why is the baby waking an issue? Yes , i need counseling, bc after 5 yrs of being belittled when his child is around, i am finally ready to wake up in a happy place, and its not here.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

You talk about wanting to kill yourself - if you meant this in a literal sense please call this hotline 1-800-273-8255. Or call a friend or family member. If you meant it in the sense that you are at the end of your rope, please get some therapy.

Can you go somewhere for the weekend? Take your girls and your pets and get some space for a couple of days?

And call a lawyer about the house. In my state if he is on the deed he gets at least 1/2 the house. Is he on the mortgage? If so, remind him that means he is responsible for the mortgage, even if he moves out.

bigbird12's picture

I didnt know that about the mortgage. But that makes me feel better . Thank you so much. Maybe i can stop crying today. On Christmas Eve of all days. But i have called a hotline. And they arent much help. I think this issue would be better fixed if i did have him leave and i wouldn't feel like im on eggshells everyday , waiting to figure out what im saying or doing wrong.

bigbird12's picture

After reading this again, no he is not on the mortgage . It is my house I bought with 10yrs of my own savings. I put him on the deed thinking when our daughter was born, this is the right thing to do. I always have a "what if plan". In 2012 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It could grow rapidly or not at all . I'm on what is called a "wait and watch list" . MRIs are done regularly. So I was thinking of the future. If I die, my house goes to him and my beneficiary is my oldest daughter after him. He also at 41 has a heart condition, he's been in heart failure twice. So that makes it hard to figure out what to do if something "happens". I'm also a substance abuse counselor , so it's hard to go to counseling and seek help knowing what the terms and psychology terms are. What if my credentials are questioned ? I've learned to listen and not speak. To not talk about myself and be transparent . Life is hard right now and this by far has been the worst Christmas . I've been alone all day with my kids, not one family member called to say merry Christmas, even thou I tried to call them. And text. I haven't had alone time to think about much. Except get in this site and try to find someone who is going through what I am. Who has a spouse that's flipped his lid over something so benign and immature. I thought this was my best friend but now I've had a chance to think about things and I've seen more bad than good. I would never do what he did to me . Not in a million years. I'm so sad and angry.

twoviewpoints's picture

Before you worry about the house, you need to reach out for help with your mental health.

Call a hotline and talk with them. Make an appointment with your doctor and do all you can to assure your children have their mother. No man, no house and no stepkid is worth removing yourself from your daughters lives. They need you. They depend on you. They love you.

Love them enough to be here for them. If not for you, do it for them.

Yes, lawyers can sort out the other things, but your priority needs to be taking care of yourself. Pick up your phone and reach out. Do it now.

ETA: thank-you poster above who supplied a hotline number. Yes, second post I've read in last few minutes where OP has mentioned suicide.

bigbird12's picture

yes its me, i am desperately trying to talk to someone . Trying to get advice. I have isolated myself to a computer. And its sad. I know.

twoviewpoints's picture

Yes, I did and she's still here posting now.

Says she has been isolated from family. I hope she picks the phone up and calls her parents at least. She was just back in this forum posting and she was in front commenting to Charlie.marie within the last half hour.

bigbird12's picture

as i mentioned before . i did call a hotline, they are saying i am feeling post partum. I dont have any ill will for my children . I love them and love being with them. Its whats been done to me over and over by this BM and now my spouse that is taking a toll. At what point did me stepping in deserve to have the cops called on me ? I have never in my life been so angry and embarrassed. I help take care of him, buy him things, take him with my daughter to do things but now i cant even discipline him? I am seriously afraid of what will happen next time his child comes over which will be tomorrow night. I want to be home but i think i will stay far away , maybe get a hotel room and stay away. Maybe being away will give me personal time and time to get clarity of what has happened .

notsurehowtodeal's picture

You can have postpartum depression without having the urge to harm your children. It can manifest as depression and as anxiety. You seem to have a bit of both. I know it is not an immediate solution, but try and see your doctor next week. A short course of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication might be helpful.

As to your immediate feelings - is there someone in your "real life" that you can reach out to?

And yes, you need to remove yourself from your current situation if only for a few days. There is no need to be around his son until you get things sorted out.

bigbird12's picture

I have never disciplined him. I have never stepped into the place as being his parent. I have been dealing with the screaming and fits for a while. But seeing him kicking and punching my dog had me in tears. The FIRST time i said something to my spouse and he only told his son to stop. The SECOND time that night i caught him , i told him that his father needed to spank him and to stop hitting the dog. I yelled at him and that is all. I didnt discipline him (if that makes sense). My spouse flew off the handle. and called the cops . they didnt do anything except tell him to stay in his room and me to take care of my kid and thats all , but now DSS is called bc a child was involved. im so angry and upset.This undeniable feeling of wanting to die has obviously been lurking and now i cant control it. 5 yrs is too long to have so much done to me bc of this child. How awful do i sound blaming a child? And now blaming my spouse and now im blaming me.. and i shouldnt be. Does anyone else think my spouse is more "pissed off" at the fact his child has behavior issues, and that it triggers him to be hateful to me?

bigbird12's picture

I feel like ive kept to myself and my mouth closed for so long that its built up. My spouse has made him sit at the dinner table and finish the food he wanted that i went out to buy, and then his son told his BM that i told him he couldn't leave the dinner table until he finished, Not true at all. She posted all these nasty things about me and called my spouse to say something about him being around me. I isolate myself when hes there bc im so fearful that this exact situation would happen.
I am lost . I dont know what to say or do right now.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Lady, for the new year--get an attorney and get this man's name off your deed immediately, that was NOT a wise move, even if you trust the man, much less if you do not.

Rags's picture

Lawyer, lawyer, lawyer. Get ready for a long battle. Your hopefully STBX got the first move in when he called CPS on you. You have an uphill battle IMHO.

Make sure you learn something from this and never put your assets at risk until you have had a very, very, loooonnngg stable relationship with your next partner.

My XW and I were young when we married and fortunately were only 2.5yrs older when we divorced. I had reasonably little financial skin in that game. My amazing bride of 22+ years an I had very little when we married and have built everything we have together. If I ever find myself considering a third marriage I will lock my assets up with a monster pre-nup before I pull the marriage license trigger. I would expect that hypothetical partner to do the same.

Take care of you and your kids and good luck.