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Let the "Evil" Stepmomming Begin

Stepmomed's picture

No more nice step mom for me! SS13 wants to take hour long showers heck no! Then when told to get out he stays in the shower still um no.....Talking back will get you chewed up and your bones spit out! When I tell your butt to do something you better do it!


Stepmomed's picture

Oh yeah I know exactly what he's doing. :sick: He has his own bathroom that he has broken the sink by trying to sit on and remove dead skin from his sun burn. The sink was mounted on the wall til he tried to sit on it. He also broke the kitchen sink where the hot water doesn't turn completely off.

ksmom14's picture

We have a tankless hot water heater, so you can literally go and turn it off and instantly, no more hot water!!! That get's my skids out pretty quick }:)

Although, the girls usually don't go overboard, only SS14, and we try to keep in mind his age.... :sick:

So_Annoyed's picture

Yep, water off and he will get out QUICKLY. I just go turn the dishwasher and clothes washer on, that gets SD13 out very fast.

ESMOD's picture

Get a timer, he sets it for 10 minutes. If the timer goes off, he gets a 1 minute warning to rinse the soap out of his eyes. Then water is cut off. Find your home's main water shut off and learn how to use it. Also, as a precaution, turn off your hot water heater in case you don't turn it back on quickly to prevent a burnout of it.

RayRay's picture

SS7 has to be told repeatedly to get out of the bath/shower. He will straight up not listen to DH. It pisses me off to no end. I have also elected to become "Evil Stepmom" and have started to really embrace the role!

Stepmomed's picture

I understand completely he wants to try and argue which really just pisses me off and that talking back mess OMG!!!!