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How the weekend went

Tired2's picture

I can't believe there weren't any major blow ups. We (BD & myself) did confront DH on Friday about some hitting issues BD12 is having with SD at daycare. DH was "blown away" that these issues were going on. It was only when BD12 started crying and said that she was tired of it that it finally sank in to him. So we (DH & myself) called a "Family Meeting". Here the girls were allowed to air all of their feelings about things without the fear of punishment or judgement. New rules were established that "playing" has gone too far when "STOP" is said. Once this word is uttered one must stop whatever is going on immediately....if not there will be punishment. He told SD11 that hitting would NOT be tolerated at all. DH also expressed his concern to me that he hopes this doesn't turn into a "tattle" session. I'll be honest I don't care if it does....I don't want SD11 hurting BD12 anymore. The rest of the weekend went smoothly. We shopped for school clothes and all was okay.

Here's my issue....when SD11 was told that hitting would NOT be tolerated and that punishment would be handed out for anyone not complying with "Stop" she had the most hateful look on her if to say "I'm going to do it anyway." I'm wondering how everything is going today at daycare....I guess I'll find out this evening when I pick them up.


Anne 8102's picture

Wow. I'm floored. This seems like the kind of problem you'd expect from a MUCH younger child. This has my spider senses tingling.

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)