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Dh's Proposal For Saving Our Marriage (sorry it's kinda long)

SW2613's picture

Last night we had a huge fight. I mean the worst fight ever, World War 3.

It all started because of SS7's behavior. He didn't listen to me yesterday morning getting ready for school. He also sneaked into the living room before I woke up to hide his talking Ferb stuffed toy in his backpack (this is not the first time he has brought things into school that he wasn't allowed). After giving me trouble getting ready, I was already on edge. When I pulled into the circle for him to be let out of the car, I heard a noise. It was the voice of Ferb. I told him to give me whatever the hell he had in his backpack. He refused to so I had to grab the bag out of his hands. I unzipped it and found to my surprise this toy. The only thing I could think to say was "Are you f'n kidding me?!" He has been getting in trouble so bad lately that he even has his own special behavior chart that tracks him with smiley, straight, and sad faces throughout every task of the day. I just couldn't believe that he would attempt this knowing how much trouble he already gets in on a daily basis now. If I wouldn't have caught him, he would have gotten a detention for sure maybe worse, especially since they are sick of giving him so many chances (9x out of 10 he gets in trouble for violence/offenses against girls).

When he came home from school, Dh punished him for his behavior that morning. In a matter of hours, the temperature dropped over 20 degrees making it necessary for him to wear pants to school today. I had just bought him the pants and hadn't hemmed them yet as he needs such a large size to fit his waist. I sat on the floor trying to mark the pants for me to hem them (something BM would never ever do! she would just roll them up if she did anything). He started acting like a baby fake crying and throwing a fit because he was too lazy to unbutton the pants. Dh tried to coddle him further by showing him on his own pants step-by-step how to undo the pants. HE IS 7 YEARS OLD. HE KNOWS HOW, BUT JUST WANTS SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT!! This little fit and bullshit lasted for 15-20mins. Dh got so frustrated he went to put him to bed without showering. Due to his weight and the way it affects his privates, the doctors say he must bathe every single night or he will get an infection. Dh just wanted to take the easy way out. I had to once again be the bitch and remind him that it wasn't acceptable especially considering he was at school all day, then went to after school art class and had paint on his arms, and it was 75 degrees all day. He told him that he had to go bathe and of course he started crying and threw a fit. While in the shower, I fixed the pants and went to wash his uniform shirt. They are expensive so he only has 2. I grabbed it and discovered that he had cut 4 holes into the front of the shirt plus cut the stitches out that I used to sew up the 2 previous holes he cut a few weeks ago. I was soooo pissed! This started WW3 with us after he went to bed.

Our attorney told us Friday that it looks bad for us that I'm so involved with SS. I had no choice not only did SS basically make me be his mom, but BM backed out of his live for over a year. For all intents and purposes, I am his mother in action and in his mind. I also have to be because both of his parents have no clue how to take care of a child. They both do what is easy, not what's best. They make excuses for his behavior and don't think he has problems. I have to do everything for him, research schools, fill out forms, find doctors, basically all of the business-type things taking care of a kid requires. He lives with us and BM is a f'n moron so I'm the one charged with taking care of him with all of the problems and none of the benefits or credit. After our knock-down drag-out fight, Dh proposed that from now on he do everything for SS so I don't have to worry about anything anymore and can reduce my stress and the effect it has on my physical and mental health.

It sounds like a great idea, but he has promised that he was going to step up and do his job in disciplining and getting SS in line many many times with no avail. I don't know how it will really work as I am his mother in every aspect but biology. The only time Dh and I spend together is with SS, so if he's to take sole responsibility for him now then when will we ever spend time together? The time as a family was my only time with him. Showing me that he means business, he woke up SS at 5:30 this morning and brought him to friends of ours so they could bring him to school so I wouldn't have to. Dh has to be to work for 6:30 about a 20min drive that is why he woke him up so early. SS even stayed in after care for 2hours in an attempt to spend some time with me before picking him up (he gets off work at 3). However, he came home only to discuss with me what he should do about BM. The place where she has her supervised visits called saying that she wants to bring her mom, sister, and the sister's 2 kids to the visit this weekend and he has to approve it or deny it. Out of a possible 8 visits, she has cancelled 3 for bullshit reasons, brought her mom to 2 of them, and allowed SS to cut 2 of them short from 5 to 3 hrs. She claims she wants a relationship with "her" son but wants to share him with 4 other people? All of last year, her sister threatened to beat her ass, but now since "she has changed"(quote from her gullible mom) now she is up her ass? If I only had 5 hours to visit my son, I wouldn't want to share him with anyone. If her mom and sister wanted to see him, all they have to do is call us. We've had them over to our house for parties, lunch, dinner, etc. However, ever since BM started actually visiting him in April, they backed away and haven't called once. Dh has even attempted to call several times with no answer or return call, including over a dozen times in the last 3 weeks. His voicemails even say "hey, it's Dh. Please call me back it's important." SS could be in the hospital or dead and she doesn't call. Neither her or her stupid ass daughter (BM) really give a shit about this boy. Our attorney said to tell them no because the visits are for her. We are forced to pay for the supervision for some dumbass reason and we shouldn't have to pay for other people who can see him for free to visit him. She also said that our case may be looking up with SS's GALs. BM is supposed to have her home visit this week but evidently that has changed because they now don't know when or WHERE it will be. We heard from the psychological evaluator that the house phone where she lived at answered and said she doesn't live there anymore. She has not told us anything about it even though she is court ordered to inform us of such changes. Our attorney said that the GALs are finally getting a look at her sketchy/fishy behavior and she now feels much better about their opinion of us.

When we went to pick him up, he had gotten in trouble for cutting things and attempting to cut his arm with scissors at school. Right after we got on his ass the night before for cutting the shirt!!!! Then he threw a fit like an infant because he didn't want to go home and wanted to stay in after-care. Who the hell wants to sit in a cafeteria?? I don't exactly know how this whole idea of Dh taking over everything is going to go nor do I know how I really feel about it. Is this even possible? Is it even practical? Should we just give it a try for the sake of our marriage? What are your experiences or opinions of couples counseling? Any other thoughts?


Doubletakex3's picture

Enjoy the vacation. Seriously. Do things that make you happy and let DH carry the heavy load for awhile. You deserve a break. Jus take it day by day and see how it goes. I find it encouraging that DH is willing to relieve you of some of the burden.

RaeRae's picture

Why does it look bad that you are involved with SS? He lives with you, correct? How can it look bad that your husband married a woman who takes care of his son, rather than being a jealous bitch to him? Especially since the 'real' mother is such a POS that she gets supervised visitations in some visitation center???

SW2613's picture

The reason why it looks bad is because she is a freakin liar that lies in her pleadings. She did not exercise visitation for a year. During that year, he never mentioned her or acknowledged that she ever even existed. When she was in his life, she abused, neglected, and treated him like shit. The statute in our state says that an intrafamily adoption can be granted without the parent's permission if they "fail to visit, communicate, or attempt to communicate in at least six months." SS told me one day as we watched "Despicable Me" that he was adopted like the kids in the movie. I said no and asked him what he meant. He said "BM(her first name) gave me up and now you're my momma." I told that she didn't give him up and that he is not adopted. He got sad and asked if I could adopt him. Dh and I looked into it and thoroughly explained to him what it meant and he was so excited and passionate about it. I called BM's mom and asked basically for her permission and she said "Go ahead. You are already his mother it would just be a piece of paper." When BM was notified about my filing the petition, she filed a contempt motion in the custody case claiming that Dh "thwarted" her visitation with SS and her unethical attorney pulled strings to get it heard the day before the adoption hearing. The hearing officer falls for her innocent victim routine, believing that we have done nothing but try to prevent her from parenting "her" son. The adoption didn't go through because we got the one judge who doesn't interepret the statute the way all the caselaw does.

After it didn't go through, Dh, BM, her attorney, ours, and the GAL appointed in the adoption case all agreed to a custody/visitation. She agreed with no argument, struggle, or fighting to professionally supervised visitation every other weekend for 2 hrs at her cost, phone calls on Tueday and Thursday, us having sole custody, she would pay child support, but before any of this takes place she must pass a hair drug test and have no criminal issues (we already knew she had a warrant out for writing bad checks). The attorneys didn't put it in writing as they were corresponding back and forth for weeks about trying to determine who the professional supervisor would be. Out the blue, they filed a new contempt forcing us to go to court somehow a week later. In that motion, they made no mention of the settlement agreement a clear misrepresentation to the court. The hearing officer order her to have visits every weekend for 5 hrs supervised by her friend starting April 9, 2011. On June 5, 2011, she molested him while in the bathroom during a visit. He told us 2 weeks later. We called the police and our attorney told hers that all contact would be suspended until the investigation is overwith in order to protect him from further abuse and to prevent her from bribing, manipulating, or threatening him into not telling the truth about it. CPS came and interviewed us and laughed in our faces because "she's his mother and has the right to touch his penis and butt." The police took so long that she was able to file another contempt us keeping him safe from her. The hearing officer was very pissed and believes that this is just another attempt like that adoption to remove him from her life. He believes we coached and PAS'd him against her even though the police interviewed him and confirmed that he was definitely molested having all of the psychological signs and symptoms. While the hearing officer doesn't believe it and CPS told him it was not a valid claim, he order her to have her 5 hour visits at a professional supervision place THAT WE PAY FOR!!! Every time we go in there, the people who run it look at us and talk to us like we're the horrible pieces of shit.

RaeRae's picture

I am so. freaking. sorry. for what your son is going through. I hate your kids bm. I'll dance if you log in one day and post that she has been shot in the head. What a sick fuck she is. Poor child.

Jsmom's picture

I have never heard that it looks bad for you to step up if BM is not. If she was active in his life, it looks bad. We were told that. But, on this one, I would step back and let DH do everything for awhile. Also, I would remove all the scissors in this kids life...He is not responsible with them. I can not believe he cuts his clothes. I would be livid...

I did disengage and it really helped. I am slowly reengaging now that we have SS full time. He needs a mom...

SW2613's picture

His clothes aren't the only thing he destroys. 13 days into this school year they had open house night. When we went into his classroom, they had all his supplies and books on the desk for us to look at. In 13 days, his entire 24pack of crayons were broken into pieces evidently he just sits there breaking then into pieces. He only had 3 pencils, 1 was only 2 inches long, 1 was between 3-4inches, 1 had the metal part mangled and sliced up. Every single 1 of his books had torn pages and even 2 of his hard cover marbled composition notebooks had huge chunks taking out of the corners. After 1month of school, the leather nike swooshes on his shoes have been ripped off and I've had to put new sets of shoestrings on twice now. He's been in therapy before and nothing came of it, so we're trying to get him into this real good doctor we heard of who actually is friends with our psych evaluator who is the only one is this case who sees through her bullshit victim roll. The problem is at the last hearing the hearing officer told the GALs to find SS 3 therapists for BM and Dh to chose from even though it is our insurance and they will supposedly split it 50/50(yeah right). Our attorney is working on trying to get them to pick the doctor we want and if so we will pay 100% of the costs.

I can't see disengaging working for long as i have been 100% his mother all this time. I'm going to enjoy the break for a little while and try to get myself centered.

giveitago's picture

You really should maximise the time you are going to have...take care of YOU! I disengaged and it made a huge difference, it's not easy though. I kept up to date with what was going on while I disengaged, mainly because I knew I'd be back! DH will VERY soon see this crap for himself and have a better idea of what you were doing. This kid is just like our twins, abandoned by BM and reacting horribly. If it's any consolation to you our twins made 18 and SD is NOW doing the introspection she needs and has told me she now knows why I did what I did 'back then', as she put it.
Take up a new hobby or pursue some you already have? It's a fine art to be 'in the background' and still know what's going on...LOL
A very wise lady put me onto the button pushing thing...stop reacting in the way they expect...remain calm...really...this kid is going to grow up regardless! YOU are THE most important person to YOU! Do not become so embroiled in the drama that you neglect your own self. That's where a lot of people make mistakes, thinking they are doing 'good' for others but the reality is they lose themselves! DH CAN handle this...albeit badly at's his son in reality and he has to make the effort.