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He won't leave

Struggling stepmum's picture

Feel sick that I may have to get the authorities to remove him. I've told him yesterday that I want a divorce. I mean it, I am ready. But I have been subjected to 24 hours of verbal abuse. I won't repeat it. I am tired and hurt but I am not giving in. His career will be over if I even contact the police.A clean CRB check is essential. But I don't know how my h more I can copewith


Struggling stepmum's picture

He is not close to his family I have lots of friends. Should I go and stay elsewhere? I can sell the house from underneath him. It is mine from before our marriage. I'm trying to avoid too much disruption for my son and to make it clear i mean it. My previous ex ( we are still friendly for kids) says I can stay with him and his gf or he will get him out but I've had enough aggression. And his relationship is new, I don't want to and waves for him . Help??

oldone's picture

I'd call the cops in a minute. If I weren't worried about violence I'd give him a warning.

But if there is the slightest chance that he will hurt you (it often doesn't take much to escalate from verbal abuse to physical abuse) I wouldn't hesitate to call the cops.

Don't leave. That will make it even harder to get rid of him.

hereiam's picture

Does he know you are thinking of calling the police? I would think he would not want that to happen if it will affect his career.

Struggling stepmum's picture

I e told him he just says go on then. I may have to. Or wait tillhe goes out and lock him out? Why do I have to behave like him? Is that the only behaviour he recognises?

Struggling stepmum's picture

Your right. I'm in England but what you said all applies. The nice me is surfacing. I just want him to go not ruin him. I don't think leaving will affect much as I own the house anyway. I'm just scared if I'm honest

Struggling stepmum's picture

He will start a fight with anyone who comes in. Thanks for all your support. Never felt so alone. It you all help

Struggling stepmum's picture

The police will remove him, since I pointed that out he's being calm. Won't last though. Thank you all x

furkidsforme's picture

If the home is marital property and he is not abusing or threatening you, I do not believe you can "make" him leave by simply ordering him to. It's as much his house as yours.

Struggling stepmum's picture

I am the only name on the mortgage and land registry. I have to go to court. Takes twelve weeks but a guaranteed eviction. If violent the police will remove and put a restraining order in place. Trying to avoid that. But am presently locked in the bathroom with him screaming ugly fat ( I'm not) c..t moose stupid evil etc etc. you get the picture. My kids are at friends by the way. Thank god for my iPad and headphones.. Could be a long night!!

realitycheckmom's picture

Do this now! The fact that you are locked in the bathroom is abuse. If he is not being abusive then you would not need to be locked in the bathroom.

learningallthetime's picture

I agree - call and let them hear him screaming - then you have plenty of evidence. They will come and the fact you are locked in the bathroom scared - well that is why it is not physical yet! Call and explain, while he is screaming. No he is not physical yet, but only because a locked door is stopping him!

simply_monica's picture

It will not ruin his career, having come from a family of LEOs and being in the military, I know for a fact that the only thing that will ruin his background is a DV. If you call the police he will ask him to leave the premises. There won't be a report or anything else. At most it is a civil standby which isn't logged often.

Struggling stepmum's picture

He's fell asleep now. All that shouting wore him out. If fine I didn't hear most of it thanks to headphones. But everyone who needs to will, I tape it on my phone. Not that he knows that such a shame it's come to this. I loved him so when we got married. Obviously he wasn't feeling the same. Off to bed now. Thank you all

Struggling stepmum's picture

I don't know what else to do. I have phoned 101 uks non emergency line and they said if he's calm they won't do anything. Take the take to the courthouse on Monday and see icing cancer a injunction. Unless he starts again I can't do anything

Struggling stepmum's picture

I told them what the tape said but they said he's calm now. My sister is on her way. She's better than any male and H is actually intimidated by her. He tends to shut up around her

Struggling stepmum's picture

My sister is pretty fed up with me for staying. That's why she is a last resort. But she wants best for me and she won't put up with him. She's single so she brought her dog and a LOT of stuff. She said it may take weeks and she's here for the duration. I don't want it to turn into a bully fest against him though. Will let you know I'm ok

Struggling stepmum's picture

I will. I'm harder now, but I do still love him. But he doesn't and he said it. He didnt mean it he said but he did. That was enough for me and what prompted me to ask for the divorce.

Struggling stepmum's picture

What he can be I guess, when he's not acting like this of course. I believe that we have to choose to behave abusive. Unless its the reactive sort it must be a choice. That means he chose to hurt me and doesn't love me. I was hoping he would change his mind. Like my counsellor Said, I love the man I though he was not the man he actually is. That's why we end up so confused I think. But apparently you don't get your mind in order till you are apart from them. I've read enough posts to know that people always feel better when they leave. Just takes time

oldone's picture

When I was 23 I met the love of my life. I think I was a goner before I even met him. I would see him in an office building or across the room at a big event. Took me months to meet him. He was surrounded by women and I just went up to him and took him away. That is soooo not me.

He was the most charming, delightful good looking man I'd ever met and well educated with a great job. He was a cross between the young Paul Newman and Robert Redford. I adored him. Obsessed actually.

I will not go into the horrible things that he did to me and I kept taking him back - I'd had some serious boyfriends and had even been engaged. But this was different. I thought I could NEVER stop loving him. I honestly believe that no one could ever be more in love than I was.

But finally for my own personal well being I had to make a final break. It broke my heart. I think I pretty much had a total breakdown for about a year. But I had a new love in less than two years who was totally different.

So when I say that you can stop loving someone - I know of what I speak. Yes it's been years later - I probably wouldn't recognize him if I saw him on the street. And I feel nothing for him. Not hate, not dislike, not love, - just really nothing.

I'll be honest - I did not feel better when I left him. I was dying inside. I cannot describe the emotional pain - but it did allow me to start the healing process.

So pitch the excuse that you "loooooove him so much". You can stop loving anyone.

Struggling stepmum's picture

You don't need to describe the emotional pain. I feel absolutely heart broken. I didn't ever think that someone like me could ever feel like this, I am or was so sure of myself and confident. Can't believe that a man can reduce me. Today I watched my 18 month old son merrily playing with his cars while my H screamed and slammed his fist into everything and I threw a glass. And it struck me that he wasn't reacting. He thinks it is normal. He deserves more it will be his face I see every time I get weak because I do not want my beautiful boy to think that this is all ok. Thank you oldone. I hear you

emotionaly beat up's picture

I agree call the police and let them hear the abuse. Record it on your phone too. I wouldn't leave the house, he will destroy it, but if your in danger then your life is worth more than any house. Only you can decide the danger your in. But the second he leaves that house, change the locks, ship his stuff to a storage unit or his work whatever. Tell the police he walked out. He left, so you don't have to take him back or give him eviction notice. Let him prove he didn't. You should have the tape showing he hated you and was abusing you, so he just got sick of you and left. Sounds plausable. Then sue him for leaving without giving you notice. Get 4 weeks rent out of him.

learningallthetime's picture

You must end this relationship. I stayed in a horrid one too long because I thought I was in love, and I wanted a family for my son. In reality it was hell. Over a year out now and nothing would make me go back. Our BS6, who is one of the happiest kids on the planet, recently told social work (for issues related to dads now) that mom is happy now, dad seems happy now sometimes, but mommy and daddy were sad and yelled when we were together - we thought he did not notice, but clearly he was far more aware than we realized.

If you cannot leave for yourself, leave for him.