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Lies, Lies and more lies

stronggirl's picture

I found out today that my SS non-working mother has been hitting up all of the churches and food banks in the area for food and other items. I also found out that she told the church that over Christmas her husband was fighting in Iraq and that is how they got all of these really great expensive presents, x-box and a psp and games and clothes. She has never remarried and does not even have a boyfriend. I do not understand how people always get away with these things. She even went so far (about 2 years ago) as to open a booth at a fair and tell people that for a donation they would be in a drawing for a basket and all the money was going to be sent in gifts to the troops in Iraq. No one ever got a basket and she kept the money. Now she is being evicted out of her 8 house in 6 years (she actually thought she could afford to RENT A HOUSE FOR $1400 a month) are you kidding me???? None of her utlilites are in her name and what does she do, she rents a hall for her older son (different dad) and a dj for his sweet sixteen. This is the mom that all the kids want to be around because she buys them BEER. She has never been caught and will never be caught....we have done everything we can possibly think of except cutting off our arm to get custody, but the kicker is, SS hates me. I have only been in the pic for 6 years and they have been divorced for 11 years. She starts so much crap and lays it all on me, I am afraid to even be alone with him and have not been alone with him for about 2 years. She will let us have him for an extra night and then call the cops on BF. Once I sent my SIL to pick him up (after she posted a really great public blog about how I am a whore) because BF was running late, BF called SS and told him and he said ok. SS did not tell BM and she called the cops and said that SIL was kidnapping SS. I am at a loss, how do I get over it, how do I feel better? This was the first time that SS had been here in 8 weeks, he was sick twice, then he wanted to spend the night at a friends, ect....finally BF said to bad you are coming over. I rather enjoy my life when he is not here, he thinks that it is MCD's playland and we always have to be doing


Most Evil's picture

She should be prosecuted for fraud or something! She sounds like a nut job, I am so sorry you have to deal with this.

Unfortunately I have no wisdom to offer, just keep avoiding him if you can is a good plan to me. Maybe eventually he will come around and act right if he figures out it is in his best interests to do so.

"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil

toomuch's picture

That's a tall order of offenses. Believe me, she will not continue to get away with the lies. As far as your SS, he will one day notice the difference and the sacrifices you've made. Most teenagers are selfish. Life has a way of turning things around. People always reap what they sow.

ColorMeGone2's picture

I read everything you wrote about BM and all HER problems, but what is YOUR specific problem? What is it that impacts YOU directly that is giving you so much grief? What specifically is it that you can't get over?

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

stronggirl's picture

My step-son hates me, he believes that every holiday should be a fun filled $1000 gift giving day, he thinks that it is normal to move to a new school every 6 months, the thinks its okay that the local church does their lawn care and looks down on us for being so stupid. He does not understand why we never have money for the fun things, because we are always paying our mortgage and our bills. He believes that everything wrong in his life is my fault and makes me feel this everytime I am around, he takes it out on my 3 year old son and I am afraid to leave them alone to go to the bathroom, because guess what MY SON gets hurt ALWAYS and he never has an explaination. That is my issue.

ColorMeGone2's picture

Here's what I think. I think you have to dump the stuff that doesn't directly affect you. Venting here is sooooo helpful, because you can dump it on us and then it's not weighing YOU down anymore! Smile And I've found that saying it here means it's not flying out of my mouth at, say, DH or BM or the skids. Wink

She sucks, yes, but is there anything you can do about HER? Nope. So you have to focus on SS. Or rather, your DH has to focus on SS. SS needs to understand that it's not necessarily about right or wrong, but about things being different at your home. You don't have to tell him his mother is a load, but you can express to him that in YOUR family, you work to get the things you need and want, rather than rely upon the kindess of others. You can explain the difference between being a giver and a taker. You can talk to him about working hard to achieve success because IT FEELS GOOD, because it feels better to work for something than to just get it. Just leave BM's name out of it.

My BS is 10. He's too young to know how to balance a checkbook, obviously, but he's not too young to be told where our money goes. Without going into a lot of detail that you probably don't want BM to know, you can show SS where the money goes. Show him the utility bills. Show him the mortgage statement. Give it to him in terms he can understand... we told our son that our house payment costs as much as 460 packs of the Pokemon cards he collects. Express it in terms he can relate to. We told the skids one time when they were bitching about not having anything "fun" to do at our house that our family of four was living on less per month than we pay their mother in CS for just the two of them. We talked to them about the cost of feeding them and the cost of gas to travel the several hours to their house to pick them up, that we could feed our family a week on what it cost in gas to get them one time. It was a real eye-opener for them. (Especially after they stopped believing in Santa and figured out it was US buying Christmas presents for five kids.) Then they understood why we couldn't afford two weeks at a hotel for vacation. Your SS is old enough to be explained some cold, hard facts. We never told the skids that BM sucks up all our money, but we did tell them the facts about how much it costs us to support THEM vs. how much we have left over to support all of US.

I don't know what you do for discipline, but if your SS is not being respectful of you, it's probably because it's not being enforced by his dad. I would just let him know that he doesn't have to like you, but he does have to respect you as a parent in the home. He doesn't have to like your son, but he does have to follow the rules of good behavior. You just be matter-of-fact and not let him get your goat. Fake it if you have to. But get Dad to nip this kind of behavior in the bud. You should be Dad's back-up, not his Enforcer. He'll take it better coming from Dad.

I also think a little manipulation isn't necessarily a bad thing, if it brings about a good result. It probably wouldn't hurt to stage a little scenario the next time he misbehaves. Maybe Dad can give him a punishment that's a little too harsh and you can take SS aside and tell him that if he promises to do better, you'll talk to Dad and see if you can get his punishment lessened. It's a little trick we used once in a similar situation and it worked. It might give him an opportunity to see you as something opposite what he thinks of you.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

used_to_be_blonde's picture

Georgia you are so wise. Don't worry about things you can't change - simple good advise.

Stronggirl life is so unfair! I've know people like that -could get away with anything. If I tried to defraud people out of their money I would be eaten up with guilt AND get caught.

My husband always used to say "the kids will realize when they grow up- what she's like". Well I can't wait that long! LOL I want revenge now.
In the best of worlds your SS would grow up to be a responsible adult and tell you and hubby "thanks for being a good example to me".

fedupinarkansas's picture

If it doesn't affect you directly then don't worry about it. In this step parent struggle that we live you have to choose your battles wisely. I wouldn't worry about her b/c karma is something else. Plus, for your health and mental well being if it doesn't affect you or your marriage let it go.

Stupidity is an equal opportunity condition.