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O/T - It has come to my attention, that I am not.... Okay

Onewillfullstepmom's picture

I am not by nature a crier, I mean it happens obviously, I am not a robot, but really I am pretty tough. This last week I find myself randomly crying on a fairly regular basis.

Today I went to the OBGYN to get some... perspective, I guess. I started crying while trying to explain that I cry at random.... WTF? Then I had a dentist appointment, the dentist was pulled away while I was in the chair, I was left there with nothing to do. I stared at my foot, the one that has the tattoo with the flower for the month the baby would have been born.... I contemplated carving the name we jokingly gave it when we first found out I was pregnant, into my skin near the tattoo. I have not had a thought like that since.... high school?

Everyone keeps telling me "I will be fine", "this happens all the time", "I will go on to have a perfectly healthy baby one day".... I appreciate the sentiment... but I am clearly not "FINE" I keep trying to be, it has been 6 months, and one month I will be good and the next... is like this one. I am not "fine" and I need for it to be okay that I am not fine. I know this happens all the time, that doesn't make it any less traumatic, especially when everyone I know is popping out kids like Orville Redenbacher, and I am taking care of DH's kid like she's my own. But she is not. She HAS a mom. And really it remains to be seen if I will go on to have a healthy baby one day. Even if I do, it's not like one replaces or fixes the other....

I know I will be "FINE" eventually, but at this point... I am not.

My new doc gave me some lavender oil that is supposed to help with the anxiety and insomnia.... we shall see. Hormone testing is next at bat... woohoo!

As always
thanks for listening-



Lalena75's picture

It is okay to be not fine. I have had so many very not okay times in the last few years but it was not all that long ago I woke SO up and told him I was not okay I trusted him with some seriously issues that I had to get out, and then I just curled up in his lap and bawled. I cried it all out, I cried out all the cries of feeling like a failure to my kids because I divorced their dad, the fear I'm failing everyone because I ran after a dream and it's almost to fruition, but in the process I may lose our home, and everything else. I cried out my fear, loss, and anger. He held me and stroked me and told me it was okay to be not okay. I have felt so much better, not perfect, still not okay but better, not so scared because it really truly is okay to be NOT okay. It's time for you to tell someone you love your not okay, time to find the person you can trust to let you be not okay and time to ask for help. Time does heal but not overnight and sometimes not without help.
Hugs don't let it weight you down too much find someone to help you carry your load you don't have to do it alone.

queenofthedamned's picture

I am so sorry for your loss.

People say the most mindless things, mostly to make themselves feel better. I have been through multiple miscarriages, and quite honestly have never wanted to strangle a human being more than I did when I was in the thick of it. My favorite was the old "Everything happens for a reason" line. Really? Tell me then, for what reason did my babies die, when crackheads pop them out every day? It's tough to deal with the aftermath of a pregnancy loss, especially when it seems like everyone around you has easy, wonderful pregnancies. I am a tough person as well, but I cried all the time when my loss was recent. I spent more time hiding in the bathroom at work than actually working, because I could do nothing to stop the tears.

You're grieving, and it's an invisible grief that most people don't acknowledge/recognize. To them, your baby didn't really exist. To you, from the moment you knew that baby was on the way (like every pregnant woman I'm sure) you had visions of a whole life, and that was snatched away from you. It's very real.

Have you considered counseling? I waited far too long to accept that I needed help, and I wish that I had gone sooner. My therapist helped me understand my feelings and work through them.

My heart goes out to you. If you ever want to chat please feel free to PM me. I know of some great online resources that were my lifeline during that time, and probably will be again, as FDH and I will be trying for a baby soon.

z3girl's picture

Just like Imjusthere said, even people with the "same" experiences won't feel the same way you do. It is perfectly Ok to not feel ok. Your feelings are perfectly valid. I can picture myself having been that way in the same situation. I battled infertility for 4 years, and it was hell on earth. I never once had a pregnancy scare and it sucked, never mind getting as far as you did. I wouldn't wish either situation on anyone. I think it does leave scars behind, even after you are able to move on without crying constantly.

Therapy has been my savior. I go to both group therapy and individual therapy. My therapist battled infertility herself, so I feel that she truly understands me, and she has been my life savior. The group therapy is very interesting because everybody is there with different experiences, and it helps me realize that I really don't have it bad, but I'm not alone with having a hard time with my feelings.

Onewillfullstepmom's picture

Thank you all, you have given me much to think about, and all of your words have been actually helpful. I am crying again at the moment, but mostly because it's nice to feel understood. I did talk to DH last night, but he just doesn't really get it. He moved on and wants me to as well and I get that, it just makes me feel alone. I told him I considered hurting myself and he said "I don't think that's abnormal, I used to think about driving off a cliff sometimes, it hasn't happened for awhile but I don't think it's that bad." Really? Your wife tells you that she thinks about hurting yourself and you don't think that is a big deal???? Ugh!

I guess I might need a therapist...

Thanks again-