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Do your SKID'S have any friends?

napamom's picture

Just curious, my SD13 literally has no friends so nothing to do EVER. I feel that I read this on other blogs as well. Is that true in your case?


herewegoagain's picture

My kiddo doesn't have many friends either. I don't think that you can always say that it is their fault. Unfortunately, because you must "act" like the others in order to have friends, if you aren't popular or like the others, people, especially kids will treat you like crap. Heck, adults do that too. I think friends are overrated. I know my dad was always asking me why the heck I didn't go to parties, etc. with my "friends" in high school as I was usually alone...I didn't go because those people I spoke with in high school, normally just partied, drank and did drugs at parties...if I didn't want to be a part of that, well, then I wasn't much welcomed.

herewegoagain's picture

Then you were obviously never a child...It is NOT utter bullshit. Go to any freaking school and see if that you don't act like the others, you don't have many friends.

YOU ARE AN ADULT, although one who obviously seems to think you know more than others about friends because of going to a prestigious university.

PS - as someone who claims to have so many friends that are different, it's rather funny because just because someone online says something different than you, you automatically state "it's utter bullshit"...Wow, I wonder how many of your friends you say that to who you don't agree with. Pathetic, just pathetic. I would never be friends with someone who states that my view is "utter bullshit".

sterlingsilver's picture

I think friends are the corner stone of life, but maybe that's just b/c I was one of the kids who lived for her friends. My ss15 never had a friend and was not popular until just this last year. Suddenly it went from him being home AALLLL the time and NO ONE over ever, to him being GONE ALL the time. Now tho he is home more b/c it was a girl. He was casual friends with another kid and suddenly this kid's OLDER sister (4 yrs older then him) caught his eye. Recently this girls family found out and stopped the whole relationship by sending her away. Now ss15 is mooping around the house again Sad Luckily he is in sports every season and is often very busy. My bs's are another story. My 17 yr old is all about his friends, and my 14 yr old sits on his bed with his laptop daily, but at school he has his 3-4 buddies. When I ask him if they're his friends he says not really but nice to hang out with at school. He does have a best buddy from childhood that he talks with online all the time and they play games online together and chat constantly. He lives close enough so we can have him over every once in awhile but not often enough.

momagainfor4's picture

sd12, almost 13, can't seem to have more than 1 friend at a time. Or more than 1 best friend. The kid that she was hanging out with was a cool, nice and respectful kid. Oh, she's not hanging out with her this summer.

Sd12 is doing camp stuff at a local high end club in town so I'm sure her nice friend was excluded from that bc she's not going to the fancy camps.
So she's friends now with a snooty kid.
Oh well, it is what it is. I'm just hoping she doesn't ask her to come stay with us this weekend. I'm still working on getting the room straight!

hismineandours's picture

My ss14 apparently has 1 friend. And then he can always find a trashy girl who will go out with him and another boy or two at the same time. He's been living here for 4 months-although most of these kids were familiar to him since he has lived here previously and visited here eowe, holidays, and part of the summer. In the months he has been here he has had a number of "friends" that last a week or two and then suddenly he's not friends with them anymore. We dont ever know what happens.

The latest is the neighbor down the street-ss moved last week but is apparently still hanging out with this kid. Which is bizarre to me. In the 4 months he lived here ss never once was invited to spend the night there but now in the last 5 days he has spent the night there twice? Kid has his own issues-dh and I did not allow my ds13 (who is actually in the neighbors grade) hang out with him-and dh had set limits on ss hanging out with him-as in just occassionally, just going fishing/no overnights, etc-but apparently mil has no concerns about this kid whom she has never met nor knows anything about and she sure isnt going to bother to ask us.

MY ss is really an asshole and that is my guess as to why he has no friends. I realize it is harder for some kids to make friends-my own ds13 has a harder time than say my dd14. My ds is soooo not a follower and would rather be alone and do his own thing rather than "follow" someone who is doing something he is not comfortable with. My dd14 is more about keeping the peace and having lots and lots of "friends" whether they are genuine or not. My ss14 would follow pretty much any kid into doing something bad as well as leading others into doing bad stuff-he is both a leader and a follower-but as I said he's just an ass. He's rude, he's loud, he's disrespectful and defiant. On top of all that he's weird. He lies and steals to boot. So, yep, it's a bit of a challenge for him to keep and make friends although I think he desperately wants some.

starfish's picture

i live in this same hell:

"What better friend to have than a person that lets you win all the time, never corrects you, nevers says no to you, entertains you, takes you out and provides money!"

"You think mollycoddling a child is a good idea.... My SS is a great example of what happens when you are mollycoddled. He doesnt even have a problem solving skills because every problem or obstical in his way was removed by his dad!"

except almost 13 not 15

"Now he is a 15 years old with poor social skills that cant interact with kids his own age, hates to lose and thinks he's right all the time. He is only comfortable interacting with his dad!"

Sweetnothings's picture

With sd21 when she was living with us, she had like one friend over, once..... She never went out at weekends, we lived two minutes from a bus stop into a decent size town with lots of shops, etc. When we moved countries it remained the same, she was late teens like 18 + , I saw her actually walk outside to go somewhere twice I think, in a year !!! No friends over, only freakish sap bf of the time.......

I think it is a trait with sds, in particular..... There is only ONE spot available for entitled Princess ME ME !!! So no competition, whatsoever, is allowed !!!

secondplace's picture

My SD13stb14 has zero friends as well. She has had mental breakdowns at school over this and has actually chosen a different high school to get away from them all. I don't think they're overtly mean, but she has always been a crybaby, and you know what kids are like around crybabies - needless to say she doesn't get any real respect from the other kids because of it. She thinks it's because of her "uniqueness", and I truly hope she is right and can make some real friends in high school.

bi's picture

sd19 told me a few months ago that her bf gets mad if she talks to other guys, but all her friends are guys because girls hate her. i'm pretty sure the implication is that she is so gorgeous and wonderful that her bf is worried about someone taking her away and all the girls are jealous of her. :sick:

Sweetnothings's picture

My sd21 used to say she had no friends, like gfs, because the girls always hated her.... Not sure why though !!! And if that WAS true, where were the guy friends ??? ( not bfs ) never saw any of them, anytime...... }:)

Sd21 does have a type for sap bf though, she choses usually the ugliest / insecure guy around, usually with EVEN more hang ups than her ( if this WAS possible ) you know the kind..... He's just thankful a girl actually LOOKED at him !! These guys are usually dazzled by her and the lies, she tells the same stories to them EACH time !!! They are needy and think that sd21 is like the Queen, so off she goes with another sap bf desperate to remain in a relationship with wonderful her. It really is STRANGE to watch it happen, and she's on like sap bf 4 or maybe 5 that we know of !!!!

Mpjcmom's picture

Interesting question, and no, my skids do not have many friends! SD12 used to play with a girl here on our street but they had a falling out (which of course, according to my DH, was all the other girl's fault!). Last year my DH threw her a big birthday party here at our house, complete with bouncy house and giant cake. Only two of sd's friends came. It was kind of sad. I would say she has a handful of friends now, but her BM moved about 45 minutes away from us. This makes it difficult for her to get together with them when she's at our house! For example....this week, sd12 is staying here alone with me. I'm sure she is bored, so she's trying to invite a friend over. First friend's mom said no, she will not drive that far. I don't blame her! She is working on friend number 2 right now. This friend's mom and I may meet half way. I will tell you I have NO plans to make a 90 minute round trip! If I do, DH better reimburse me gas money!!

My ss18 seems to have even fewer friends. He is a sweet kid, but small and immature for his age. Almost 19 and does not even have a Driver's license yet! He has a different BM and is very much a mama's boy. She has no man of her own, and I think she would be happy if her son lived with her forever! He struggled with drugs for a brief time, but luckily has gotten past all that. He has "found Jesus" now, and posts these long religious rants on FB. Probably not helping him make more friends....

hismineandours's picture

The other year or so-bm threw ss14-I guess then it wouldve been his 12th bday a big party-invited 20 kids and 1 showed up. He had lived there with her for four years. You'd think he would have made more friends by that time. When he had his bday in April-we offered to throw him a party and he could invite as many kids as he wanted. He chose not to have one. Now-he'd only lived here 6 weeks-but like I said these kids were almost all familiar to him, my dd14 is in the same class, ds a year younger so he knows all their friends well. Kids wouldve come just because they knew dd and ds and it would have been an opportunity for him to get to know kids better-but again he chose not to.

daysleeper's picture

Man, SD6 has like, one friend. And her friend lives in our neighborhood. Unfortunately, her friend's parents are bffs with BM, so her friend is never allowed over to our house...

starfish's picture


"Unfortunately, her friend's parents are bffs with BM, so her friend is never allowed over to our house..."

and i totally agree.

sd15.5 and ss12.5, all their friends are "cousins" on bm's side who all ive in the same trailer hood. so none of them are EVER welcome in my home.

one exception, sd has recently been hanging out with a girl she went to elementary school with (not the same middle school or high school), coincidentally mil has befriended this girl's mom ~

but neither skid has ever invited a friend over here or at home.

ss has NEVER stayed the night at anyone's (other than family) house.

daysleeper's picture

I know! But that just means that whenever SD wants to hang out with her friend, she has to leave our house, so I'm not complaining... Wink

napamom's picture

I find this so interesting that so many of us have near friendless SKIDs. I think starfish is right on here...what friend would compare to a three ring circus that is their Dad. Plus, at least in case, they are taught to be polite or share or be respectful and that does not make for a good friend.

Gracefulsilver's picture

My SD15 has a few friends but there are less than enought to count on one hand, and these so called friends are not what I would comsider a friend.  Her best friend is a boy that has repeatedly physically assaulted her (hands around her neck choking her until someone intervened to stop him) and wants to sleep with her.  Dhe has 1 other friend that is a drama queen and trouble maker.  The only other kids her age I have ever seen her around are boys that she supposedly has been physical with.  Other than that SD15 has no friends (not surprised).  But she does have people that want to beat her up and slice her with a knife.  Not my child not getting involved in that.  The fact that she almost never leaves the house and refuses to participate in anything doesn't make a good source for meeting people and the people that have met her do not want to be around her.