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Its statistically proven!

mommy_of_4's picture

It is statistically proven that most blended families don't last...go figure. I have come to my own conclusion as to why this is. I think that if these bio-parents could pull their heads out of their ass, stop living in a fantasy land where their little angels have perfectly untarnished halos then maybe...just maybe they could see clear enough to put there foot down and stop letting these spawns run their households and their lives!!
I seriously don't understand how these parents fail to see the bright red horns protruding from the heads of these children...its not like these kids attempt to hide them!! }:)


overit2's picture

I think it's a combination of things-because statistics shows even first marriages don't last. It's selfishness from both parties, it's inability to be flexible and not idolize your partner or have fantasy of life w/no troubles. YES the other comes into play...but intact families have just as twisted dynamics and stats as well.

newmom01's picture

I know right !!!!!!! my step son 8 is the devil! my husband just says he is a kid and does not understand ....the hell he don't

he will say stuff like you dont love us any more.. after being over for three weekends in a row, and then my DH runs his happy ass over there to pick them up again! again! or the BM will call and say something stupid or have ANOTHER emergency of some sort...Now im out the picture because i won't let them eat junk food all day they go home and tell thier mom i wont let them have snacks so she calls my hubby up because im not feeding the kids! The kids/devils said they did not want a sandwich with salad on side or a lunchable with juice, or leftover pork chops and green beans (dont eat veggies, any veggies) so you damn right! you not gonna just eat chips all day if you wont eat a meal you cant eat that junk (tell the whole truth little a**hole)

reeny511's picture

From my experience people from a "typical nuclear family" cannot relate to my situation AT ALL! They are always shocked at the comments I make about what SD11 has done this time. They have no idea how to deal with a psycho BM and her self entitled brat. But yet anything my SD11 does when we're with her is a reflection on me. Like the other day when SD11 peed her pants, everyone kept telling me she needs to see a doctor for that. Why havent you taken her to a doctor reeny!!!! what a horrible stepmother I am!!! Meanwhile we dont have full custody of SD anymore and her mother denies she even has a problem. What the heck am I supposed to do? It's not my problem if her OWN mother wont address it!!!!!!!! Sorry just needed to vent a little there.

mommy_of_4's picture

But the reasons for the failure in marriage is different. Most families that don't have step parents or step kids end because of finances. Blended famililes end because of the kids.

overit2's picture

I wouldn't say all step families end because of the kids-I've seen so many on this same board whereas kids create problems but the problems are w/their dhs' being incompetent, asses, abusive or that meanst the problem is with the adults.
I hesitate to blame any divorce on the kids honeslty-you didn't MARRY the kids you don't divorce because of them IMO-it's the failure of one of the partners in the marriage at least.

mommy_of_4's picture

Ok I ment MOST...and what I guess you are right. It is the fault of the bio-parent. In my case if we were to divorce, it would be because i am fed up with his spawn. And I know this sounds AWFUL but I would divorce his kids too. I would never want anything to do with them EVER again.

Auteur's picture

More like UNWILLINGNESS to parent his satanic children.

The "blended" family just throws another level of bureaucracy into the mix. You have a "third party" involvement.


One Guilty/Disney dad who is scared to death of "losing" his children to the BM so as a kneejerk reaction to the BM's PAS, starts licking his spawn's collective backsides

One Psycho, Jealous, Vindictive, Permanent Victim BM with her finger on speed dial to CPS

One BM's family that has completely sided with her and has poisoned the skids thusly

One biodad's side of the family that either sides with the BM or sides with guilty daddy

One or more skids that have sensed the guilt and fear coming from both bioparents and are playing this up to the hilt (if you don't believe me, read some of these blogs where a kid says "my parents are breaking up" and other kids say "GREAT now you'll be able to milk all the toys, gifts, money out of them from now on!!") And said children are taught to be disrespectful to both NCP biodad and SM; have been told they are equal or superior to biodad; have "adult spousal status" and have been allowed by biodad to have more say so over what goes on at biodad/SM's house than SM

One Stepmom that is supposed to go along for the ride, being pummeled from every angle and NO ONE has her back; she also has ZERO authority and absolute responsibility

BLEND THOROUGHLY and watch it all come apart at the seams

It is an upside down pyramid where BM and skids are at the top, biodad is in the middle and at the very bottom, is SM holding up the whole mess yet acting as whipping boy.