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Serenity now...I need to breath

mlmt1128's picture

Hi - I have been a member for a while but never posted. Today however, I have been pushed over the edge.

My 14 yo stepson has been living with us for the last 14 months. He has some issues stemming from his oh so wonderful mother. He is in therapy every other week, and we are at his school to talk to the counselors at minimum once a month. I will clarify, I love the kid and will do what ever I need to do to help him. I also have a bd who is 5 with dh.

My problem is the bm. While I am able to be friendly to her in person, I seeth with anger on the inside. She has not given us one penny since he moved in. (we paid child support every single week...never missed or were late. She has probably spent a grand total of 20 hours with him since he moved in as well. In short, she sucks. No reason for this, she just doesn't have the time for him. He is the one that asked to move in and she was "devastated" by that. It shows, right?

So dh calls her this morning for ss's social so we can file txes. Much to his surprise (not mine, I warned him) she has already filed and had the f*ing nerve to claim him!! She acted all apologetic and claims she will give us the money. She claims this often...never happens.

I should point out that there is no custody order. The reason being dh is NOT EVEN HIS BIOLOGICAL PARENT!!! He took the responsibility on of raiing him as a baby, and we both feel that it is not the kids fault and he should not be made to suffer. I have been around for 10 years, and I have no issues with this. I do however have an issue with him letting this woman get away with this crap.


forestfairy's picture

I would claim him as well and turn her into the IRS for fraud. They will probably investigate and then make her pay them back.

I would be fricken furious too!

Unfreakingreal's picture

Forestfairy is right, if the boy attends school and there is proof that he lives with YOU she will be made to pay the money back to the IRS WITH INTEREST.

caregiver1127's picture

mimt1128 - when you file your taxes claim your SS as well - the taxpayers that SS lived with the most last year is what will determine who gets to claim them on the taxes - I went through this 3 years ago - BM refused to take SS back until 3 days before school started - I called the IRS - they said that the family that SS spend the most nights with got to claim him on their taxes - I would also call the IRS and tell then the situation and that you will be filing very soon and also claiming SS and what it will do it hold up her tax refund. If he spend more overnights with you - you will get the refund!!

Custody orders really have nothing to do with this - The IRS lady told me that they will literally count how many nights the child spent with each parent and whoever has the most night gets to claim the child.

mlmt1128's picture

Thank you! He spent 365 nights with us, and is registered at the school in our district. There will be no issue proving it!

RaeRae's picture

Oh wow... yeah claim him! Let her get bit in the butt for this. My ex tried that, I have my 4 kids 24/7/365 and have had them since our separation. He tried claiming them one year (although I was the one who had them at home, in school, on medicaid, and I was working 40+ hours a week to support them with NO help from him), got audited, and is still making payments on the trouble he caused himself.

caregiver1127's picture

Mimi1128 - I just read where SS in not your DH's bio kid - is your DH on the birth certificate because if he isn't then you may be out of luck and BM may get to claim him because she is the parent - if he is on the birth certificate then he can claim. I would contact an accountant and ask him.

skylarksms's picture

I agree with the above posters but can't get that Seinfeld episode out of my head where George's dad goes around yelling, "Serenity Now!" Smile

stepsonhatesme's picture

Mimt1128---- give ur DH a giant hug. We need more men like him out there. Taking on the responsibility of a child that he knows is not his, that is the most wonderful thing ever. And loving SS like his own, even when the "real" parent wont.
(I was lucky enough to be raised by one of these special men. An even luckier to have married my own "hero "