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Just like that

MJL2010's picture

Yesterday I had a lovely surprise- a shift in consciousness. I had let my block on my cell lapse, and BM texted an annoying text to DH and me. I responded with a smarty, she texted back something nasty, followed by another saying that she needed to re-block me as well. I suggested that she and I drop the sh!t and try to play nice. She actually agreed, and for the last 24+ hours I have been enjoying a life free of boiling rage and seething resentment toward her.

I hope I can keep this feeling with me when and if the games start again, which I sadly suspect they will. I guess it's up to me how much of an energy drain I allow her to be on my life. I've given her a lot already and I think I'm just about done. It's really nice to just be able to think of her as someone on my periphery.