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Why animals kill their young.....?

lovin-life's picture

I know why animals sometimes kill thier young!!

I'm looking for my pants this morning. I'm sure they were in the laundry yesterday. SSo I'm tearing the house apart looking for them...while my daughter is at the top of the stairs asking if we can leave early... HA NO! I have no pants!!! After 15 minutes..she says.."Oh I have your pants in my room..I took them out of the dryer by mistake..." Why didn't you put them back when you realized they weren't yours!!???!!!!!

Now I'm running late for work.....and I'm pissed...

I get my ADD son's Agenda..and ask if he has done all of his homework. "yes" he says...I say "get it I want to see it!" now I get a song and dance about how he's lost his spelling sheets... on Tuesday!! I've asked him specifically about having everything he needs for spelling WED and THURS!!!!!!! oh yeah...

So now I'm 1/2 dressed looking under his bed..under the couch..turning his book bag inside out...and lecturing him the whole sheets

I'm even more later for work...and I'm pissed....

I write a note to teacher to tell her of our 'homework week' and ask her to give him NEW sheets...and any EXTRA sheets she can find for him to do on the weekend...

Then we leave for school....daughter tells me she had a ride with one of her friends but got me to drive her...because she needed to gossip with her friends before class.... WHAT!!!!!!!

I'm late for work...driviing she can chit-chat...when she has a ride that leaves just a little later!!!!!

I'm even MORE PISSED!!!!!!!!! I'm ragging her out!!

Drop her off...drop boy off... I see all the other kids with their instruments for band.. Guess who doesn't have his!!!!!!!!!

I drive home..get his sax..drop it off...

45 minutes LATE for work this morning.....!!!

And all I can think of for the whole drive is wonder animals they kill their young.....

I'll be seeing my mother this weekend...should be enjoyable........ NOT!!!!

And we're all waiting for the fallout from oldest SD...

And I only have 1/2 my shopping done...

And my X is seeing his lawyer I expect legal shit to fly any day now.....

And the dog got into chocolate yesterday (that the kids left out) and puked all over my carpet...repeatedly....

I can keep my sense of humour through all of this...because I've told my kids someday..when I'm old...I'm coming to live with them.... I'm taking notes...........


Dawn-Moderator's picture

I so feel your pain with the ADD child!!! That sounds exactly like what we would go through with him! He would walk right past his trumpet on the way out the door. That's after I make sure it is in the kitchen on the morning he needs it. You would think he couldn't miss it!!!
The missing homework too! He does it and it goes in the backpack but doesn't get turned in!!

I hope your day starts improving!


Anne 8102's picture

Lovin-life, when I read your post I just about died laughing. Not that any of it was actually funny, but because a version of these same events plays out in my house on a regular basis. I have a better idea than living with them when you're old, though... just find yourself a lovely retirement village near a beach or a golf course somewhere and let them foot the bill!

~ Anne ~

ddakan's picture

I have a sign that says:

I knew it would be hard, but this is ridiculous!!!

Sometimes comedy is the only way out.